Page 17 of Fat Omega

“Mmm, I love sandalwood,” I reply.

“Me too,” Char says in a dreamy way. “What about you?” she asks.


Char’s brow wrinkles as she inhales, taking in my scent. “You’re the lemon, he’s the leather… who’s the rainstorm?”

“The cameraman. Don’t you have one?”

“We do, but he doesn’t have a scent, really. Just like soap or something. He’s a beta. Isn’t yours?”

I press my lips together, unsure how to respond. Arlo didn’t swear me to secrecy or anything, but he clearly didn’t want people to know the truth about him.

Luckily, Char seems to get the message. She smiles at me knowingly and gives me a nod. “I’m glad we met,” she says.

“Me too.” My stomach growls, and I remember that I never finished eating. “You want a sandwich? I was just—”

Char shakes her head. “I’m gonna go to sleep pretty soon. But… do you mind just sitting out here with me for a little longer? It’s nice to have someone else nearby.”

“Of course,” I say with a smile.

We sit in silence for a while, just listening to the movement of the city. I look up at the trees and breathe in the fresh(ish) air, enjoying the quiet. There’s a little lawn out beyond the deck, and I spot the jacuzzi out there, just waiting to make trouble. I glance up and see the cameras, which are allegedly off now, but I’m sure they’re still recording.

Itchy at the feeling of being watched, I close my eyes and put my head back, trying to ignore everything around me. Trying to pretend that I’m somewhere else. Somewhere free.

Of course my brain thinks this is an excellent time to ask me what I’m going to do with myself when I’m done here. Where am I going to go? Some shitty little apartment, with no job and no one? Or will I move somewhere new, where no one knows me?

I let go of that idea pretty fast. It’s bad enough being an omega here where everyone knows the deal. Being an omega somewhere else, where normal people don’t know what you are? You could get followed, harassed, and even attacked. My parents taught me from a young age that the only safe place for me is within the city limits, where people understand what it means to be an omega. Where people would try to protect me if they saw me in trouble. My parents were betas, so they didn’t really understand what it was like for me, but they tried their best. My stomach clenches a little as I take a moment to miss them. They were such good people, good parents. I’m glad I had the time with them I did, but I’d give anything for just one more day.

Char breaks the silence a few minutes later. “Thanks,” she says, getting to her feet. “I’m gonna go in now.”

I watch as she goes back into her house, shutting the door behind her. I hear the lock turn three times before there’s quiet. Char is an interesting person. I’m looking forward to getting to know her better.

“Haven!” a voice barks from down the deck. I jump to my feet, my body reacting to the sound of an alpha bark. Reese is standing on the deck, looking thunderous. “What are you doing out here?”

“I was talking to my friend, but she went to bed. I thought you were taking a shower.”

“That was an hour ago,” Reese says, starting toward me. His expression is dark. “I saw your sandwich unfinished and the door unlocked.”

“And you thought what, that I had been kidnapped?” I snort at the idea.

“Is that such an impossible concern?” Reese asks. “You’re on television, and you’re an omega.”

“Yeah from the failure flats.” I get out of my chair and start to walk past him. He grabs hold of my hand to stop me before I can pass him by. I try to ignore the butterflies that take flight as soon as his hand touches mine.

“Where did you hear that, ‘failure flats’?”

I shrug. “Just something I heard. Everyone calls them that. It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter. You are not a failure.”

I try not to let my heart pound at his touch, but I can’t help it. I swallow a lump in my throat, looking up at Reese through my lashes. He leans closer, and I swear his nostrils flare as if he’s breathing me in again. “How do you know if I’m a failure or not? You barely know me.”

“I know everything I need to know.”

“Hmm,” I reply, swaying closer.

Reese’s hands clamp down on my arms, and his eyes burn into mine. “Haven. You should be more careful. Trust me, I know a lot about this shit. An omega like you… you’re a target. Don’t take any chances ok?”