Page 83 of One Sweet Summer

With everything else that’s been happening, his build on the lake’s been put on the back burner every now and then. But with funds coming more in than out, Raiden soon brought in contractors to work on it full time. I haven’t been there for nearly three months, since Raiden made the call to pause building during the harshest weeks of winter. Then I decided to go to Miami on a whim and had too much work to finish before I could take time off. We’re interviewing for two extra staff members and going through all those applications take time. And then there was snow and then there was mud, and I didn’t want to know what that looked like at a building site. Raiden just laughed and started calling me his Miami Princess, like those first days on the project, assuring me that I would come to love Vermont in all its seasons.

He turns at the barn now and continues with the dirt road to the forest, where he’s managed to find a site, close to the lake, which didn’t require many trees to be felled for our small cottage. Luckily for him, getting the electricity wired wasn’t difficult, since Bill already had it done for the barn, which we still use as our shop. I’m not sure what Raiden’s arrangement with Bill is, but I suspect Bill might be looking at upgrading his old barn in the summer.

With all the spring foliage, I can’t see deep into the wood. In winter, it was easy to spot the new-build, but with the turn in the road, I can’t see anything.

“Close your eyes,” Raiden says.



I stare at him. “What have you been up to, Raiden Logan?”

He slows down and the truck comes to a stop. “The usual. Mischief is my middle name. Now close your eyes.”

I bite down on my smile, catching my bottom lip with my teeth. Raiden has been up to something, and my heartbeat speeds up. I close my eyes and feel him driving off again.

He stops the truck. “Stay put and keep them closed.”

I comply and soon he’s at my door and opens it. He takes my hand in his and I hear Mycroft jumping out, keen to explore.

Raiden reaches in and unbuckles me, as I’ve decided to play along and not do anything. “Look me in the eyes.” He cups my cheek with his warm hand and guides my face, so when I open my eyes, he is right there in front of me.

God, his eyes are gorgeous.

“Keep them there.”

I keep staring at him, giggling now, as he helps me out of the truck, my back turned to the building site.

“It still needs some work, especially the parts with the veggie patch—not sure you’re going to grow anything in this shade—but the rest is done, and bar all the mud, it looks—” He breaks off as he drops his forehead to mine.

He swallows hard and I reach up for his face. “It looks?”

“It has that dreams-come-true look.” At these words, he lifts his head again and pins me down with an intense stare. “You are my dream come true.” He kisses me and I’m in his arms, melting with love.

After a moment, I pull away. Something is going on and I’m used to delayed gratification but now—

Raiden’s hand covers my eyes, and with a chuckle, he makes me turn. When he lifts his hand away and I look, my jaw drops. The cottage, for all that it was a mere wooden box the last time I checked, looks finished. The exterior cladding is done, the lights are on inside and shine through the windows, and outside, strings of colorful lights are suspended between the trees. Just like we spoke about so long ago…

“Raiden…how? When?”

“We got going again and I merely had people do the job in the most efficient way possible.”

And he knows exactly how to be efficient. The cottage is by no means big and finishing this build in time for summer was completely doable. I just never thought— “How? Money?”

“I got a mortgage from the bank. Not a huge one, just enough to get it done. We’ll pay it off in a trice if a third of those quotes come through as orders.”

My man finally got what he never thought he’d get. Money from the bank. I laugh as my heart swells, tears pushing up from nowhere. “Show me.”

Hand in hand we walk up to the front door, and he takes the key he got from Bill to unlock the door. “Bill has been supervising too and might have been involved in moving some of our things.” He still hasn’t pushed the door open. “Best we take our shoes off here.”

I’m a wreck of anticipation as I leave my sneakers on the doorstep.

Raiden opens the door, but before I can walk inside, he sweeps me into his arms. I shriek but laugh and push my face into his neck. “You’re full of surprises.”

“I’ve always imagined carrying you over the threshold like this.” He swings us perpendicular to the door and shuffles us sideways into the cottage.

He lowers me and I find my feet, now laughing without stop.