Page 60 of One Sweet Summer


“Georgiana,” I whisper back and lean over her, find her entrance, and slowly sink into her until her body can’t take any more of me.

“Oh my God,” she sighs against my shoulder, and we move in a rhythm as old as time.

With her heels on my butt and her nails in my back, she presses me ever closer to her, and I rise up on my arms to drive harder and deeper into her body. When she starts to come, I cup her jaw, staring into her eyes and bursting into her with an orgasm so intense, shivers crash through me. Still she’s coming, and I sink down to kiss her now, making her feel how she makes me feel, how I want to pleasure her until she can’t take any more.

Eventually she stills, and my weight might be becoming too much for her, so I drop to my side, taking her with me and refusing to break our intimate connection. I gather her against my chest with her head on my arm. We come down from our rush together, and a peace that I haven’t known in a very long time shrouds me.

When she shifts, I take the chance to deal with the condom. As I turn back to her, a naughty smile plays on her lips. I run my nose along her temple. “What’s so funny?”

“What have we done?” she says, her voice laced with that sweet Georgiana tease.

“You know exactly what we’ve done,” I tease back.

“I’ve never had such an intense orgasm before,” she says against my lips. “So the question really is, when can we do that again?” She seals her question with a kiss.

I drop back next to her, thrilled that she enjoyed that as much I did. “Give me thirty minutes.”

She snuggles closer and I wrap my arm around her. “You for real?”

“In thirty minutes, definitely.”

Georgiana laughs and I press a kiss to her forehead, making her sigh.



Monday comes too fast. We’ve spent the weekend cooped up in what we’ve christened The Snuggery, making love, sharing showers, reading the same book—Raiden on audio and me the hardcover he picked up for me at the local bookstore—and in general being besotted with each other.

Raiden packs lunch on Monday morning as part of our rotation schedule, but when he adds some beach towels to the picnic basket he fetched from May, I raise an eyebrow. “What’s that for?”

“Something new on the schedule. You’ll have to wait and see.”

Back at the barn after a weekend’s break, the reality of everything we still need to accomplish hits home hard, and we tackle the work with our old, determined focus. The only difference now is that where Raiden used to act the grump, he’s now all soft smiles and gentle touches whenever we get close. Every touch of his fingertips, every time he rests a hand on my hip, every time he brushes his lips over mine, I melt.

For all the flirting in the barn, he doesn’t go further. There’s much to be done as the plumber will be here at the same time as the filming crew tomorrow to help with the plumbing while we install the kitchen and bathroom. The project is rushing to a close, or maybe I’m fooling myself. There’s a lot of detailed work Raiden has planned to make this tiny house stand out from the rest, and that is all going to take time. By lunchtime, I’m rather hot and bothered.

“Let’s go for lunch,” Raiden says as he reaches for my hand.

Usually, we park somewhere in the barn and eat whatever whoever packed, but now he has his picnic basket in his other hand and a sneaky smile hovering on his lips.

“Where’re we going?”

“You’ll see.”

He leads me outside and walks in the direction of the lake, over the field that has a faint path trodden in the grass. Soon we’re into the woods and the birds and bugs grow quiet as we trespass on their territory.

“Where’re you taking me?”

“Somewhere I’d hoped you’d follow me, since week two, but you’re a stubborn one,” he says with a chuckle.

“You never asked me along!”

“Didn’t seem appropriate at the time, since…well, you’ll see.”

We walk for five more minutes before the wood opens to a quiet bay that’s hidden from the world by dense forest and the curve of the lake. The small beach slips into crystal clear water that darkens where the lake cleaves into the earth. This is such a tranquil spot, so far away from the real world, it’s as if time stood still.