Page 27 of Untamed

“Someone needs some more coffee,” Antony cracked.

“Bring me a cup, Ramos!”


Lesley spent the day trying to focus on her project. Smith had come around once already, and that creepy sensation she’d gotten before was immediate. She sighed and got up to refill her water bottle. On the way back, she turned the corner and almost ran into Smith.

“Hey, Sergeant Prosser!” His voice was too high-pitched. Almost manic.

“Hello, Smith,” she said.

“Any plans for the weekend?” he asked.

“Nothing major,” she said, and went to pass by him. Instead of moving out of her way, he stayed put and smiled at her.

“You sure about that?” he said. His eyes were dark and almost hollow. “Maybe going out with your boy toy?”

“Excuse me,” she said, trying again. This time, he moved directly into her way.

She looked at him and squared her shoulders. She’d put up with a lot of shit but drew the line at blatant aggression.

“Specialist Smith,” she began. His eyes narrowed. “When someone says, ‘excuse me,’ the response is to get out of the way. Now, move.”

The glare he gave her stole her breath, and for a moment, their eyes locked. She was unable to break away from the hate she saw.

“YES, Sergeant!” he half yelled, flattening himself against the wall at parade rest.

“Cut the shitty attitude, Smith,” she warned. This bullshit was going to stop, and it was going to stop right then. “It seems we have a communication problem. And by we, I mean you. I don’t know what your problem is, and I don’t fucking care. But you better. You and I are not friends, and you do not have any rights to my personal information. Check your attitude.”

She walked off, aware that he was burning a hole in her back with his mind.


Antony pulled all the way into her drive this time. The rumble of his engine approaching kept time with the butterflies in her belly. She’d had enough time to come home and take a quick nap before getting ready, so she felt a lot better than she had all afternoon. The altercation with Smith weighed heavily on her, and she was certain she was going to have to say something to Antony about him.

She checked herself in the full-length mirror, grabbed her purse, and walked to the door. Antony was just getting out of the car as she shut the door behind her.

“Hey! I was going to knock!” he said.

“I was ready.”

“Don’t even let me be all gallant and shit,” he said, laughing. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly. He then stepped back and looked at her, his eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?”

She stared at him. “Nothing.”

“Lesley. Tell me,” he said. “Your body language is all wrong.”

She sighed. “Let’s go. I’ll tell you on the way.”

She told him about the encounter that afternoon first. She hesitated for a minute and brought up what Smith had said the day before, after he’d seen them at lunch.

Antony was quiet. The muscle in his jaw clenched slightly.

“Hey,” she said, reaching out and touching him on the shoulder. “I don’t believe him, if that’s what you’re angry about.”

He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. “Thing is, he’s right, in a manner of speaking. I do take women home every weekend.”

When she tried to pull away, he held on, though gently. “No.” He pulled the car off into a parking lot and stopped. Turning toward her, he said, “Not like that. The women I take home are friends. I make sure they make it home. That’s all.”