Page 72 of Untamed

“I’m sorry,” he blurted.

“For what? Did you plan on her being here?”

“Well, no.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. “I’m just tired of her being around, is all.”

“I am too, but it’s not your fault she showed up. I feel sorry for her, to a point. Whatever’s going on in her life has to be rough.” She took his hand. “Let’s go talk to Dave so we can get out of here.”

The door to Dave’s office was open, and he waved them in. “You find anything?” He slid a plastic case with the video footage and a copy of the work schedule with some highlighter marks on it across his desk. “These copies are for you. I’ve got them set aside if you need anything else.”

Antony nodded. “Bindle of something. We’ll get it tested.”

“Fucking asshole. I should have known better than to let him come back.”

“Why did you?”

Dave leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face. “Friend of his asked. I owed him a favor when he was stationed here a few years back, and he called me on it. I didn’t really see any harm.”

“Who is this friend?”

“Jensen Bower.”

Lesley watched Antony’s shoulders stiffen. “Have you seen Bower?”

“Not in years. You know him?”

Antony shook his head. “Heard of him. If he called you again, let me know, would you?” He gathered up his things. “We need to go drop this stuff off at the office and file it.”

Dave stood. “Sure thing. You’ll let me know if you find Hunter?”

“Will do.”

Once they were in the car, Antony whistled low. “That was a twist I wasn’t expecting.”

“What happened? Who is this guy?”

“Agent here awhile back. Few years before any of us got here.” Antony pulled out onto the highway and headed toward post. “We’ve been waiting to get some info from him. Guess that’s why he hasn’t responded.” He sighed. “Lemme call Top.”

Fifteen minutes later, Antony pulled into the lot behind their office and got out of the car. Lesley stayed seated until he leaned over. “You can come in.”

“It’s okay?”

“Of course it is. He might have some questions for you, too.”


Antony woke up to see the sky getting lighter. He rolled over and looked at the sleeping woman next to him. Her breathing was slow and even, and her eyelids were twitching slightly underneath the lids. In the dim light coming through the window, she looked to be made of shadow and smoke, living somewhere in another world as he watched.

He loved her. He had been dancing around it in his mind, telling all those little lies that people do when they aren’t ready to face the truth. All her strength of will and softness of heart curled around him and drawn him in, and he couldn’t deny it in the hazy hour between night and day.

She stirred slightly and rolled to her side, snuggling back against him. He gathered her in his arms and pressed his lips to her shoulder before closing his eyes and letting sleep overtake him again.

Much later, after a languid morning of lovemaking and breakfast, the pair left the house.

“Fuck!” Antony blurted, storming toward his car and walking around it. He turned and looked at Lesley’s car next to his. Same. The tires, all of them, were flat. Puncture holes showed on the sidewalls.

Lesley’s face was a storm of calm fury, melting into a burning rage when she rounded to the passenger side of her car. Gouges trailed down the entire side of the vehicle, deep enough to reach bare metal in some places.

“How did we not hear anything, especially that?” Antony asked, eyeing the damage.