Page 69 of Untamed

Antony nodded. “Nope. How do we want to play this with Thompson?”

Randall walked out into the open room at that moment. “Same way you do any other case. Just don’t spook him,” he said. “I’ll call their Sergeant Major and make sure this troop is protected.”

Charlie spoke up, “You want us to set up surveillance on Thompson?”

Randall was silent for a moment, tapping his fingers on his coffee mug. “Yes. We need to keep this out of MP channels, so we need to hook up with the locals.” He turned to Antony. “You need to go to the club. Get a hold of the locals and get them to send one of their undercovers to help.”

“I’ll go there tonight,” Antony said, turning to his phone.


Antony looked up, eyebrows raised.

“Take your girlfriend. See what she sees.”

Antony wasn’t going to argue, though every cell in his brain was screaming against subjecting her to that. He couldn’t see any benefit to taking her—from everything in her statement and their conversations about the ordeal, there wasn’t much she could add. Regardless, he’d ask, and not let her out of his sight.

His desk phone ringing interrupted him and he snatched it up.

“Ramos, it’s General Carwell.”

“Everything okay, Sir?”

“They released Victoria Addington from the hospital this morning. Not sure why they called me, but I figured I’d pass it on.”

Antony sighed. “Thanks, Sir. I didn’t think she’d be in for long.”

“She was told not to contact you or Lesley Prosser.”

Antony snorted. “She’s not going to listen to that.” He tapped on his spam folder.

“Figured as much. How’s the case going?”

“Oh, we’ll have some stuff for you sooner than later, I think. We’ve got some leads cooking right now.” Antony scrolled. “Yep. Two texts and a voicemail. I didn’t think it would take her long.”

“Okay. Can you stop by so we can mirror that folder right away?”

“Will do. I’m on the way out, anyway.” Antony hung up the phone and stood. “Time to deal with the bullshit,” he said. “I’ll go grab lunch and bring it back. Burritos or pizza?”

Simon and Audrey said in unison, “Burritos.”

Antony looked at both of them with a half-smile. “Alrighty.”

Audrey laughed. “We had pizza last night. That new joint in town is not that good.”

“Good to know. That’s where I was thinking about going.” He tapped the wall on the way out. “Be back.”

He thought about calling Lesley to give her a heads up about the evening but decided to wait until after work. She needed some time, and he needed to get Vicky back into his past.

He also needed to find out why she showed up in the first place.


“You’re sure about this? You don’t have to go.” Antony said. She took the request well enough, but he still had a bad feeling about the entire situation. Something, and he couldn’t pinpoint what, left his gut unsettled.

Lesley leaned in and kissed him, hard. “Stop. I’m fine. I’m with you, and you won’t let anything happen to me. Nothing’s going to happen to you, either.” She tugged his hand and headed to the door. “Let’s go.”

Antony pulled her back toward him, crushing her to his chest. As he looked into her eyes, his stomach flipped. “You’re amazing,” he said, brushing his lips across hers. “Not sure how I got so lucky, but I’m not gonna question it.”