Page 64 of Untamed

“I’m good.” At the man’s skeptical expression, Antony continued, “Really. I just—my girlfriend is in there and everything’s just caught up. I’m okay.”

“If you’re sure?”

Antony nodded. “Thank you for checking. I’m fine now.”

The kind stranger left him to his thoughts, and he blew out a deep breath, then started the car.

As the engine roared to life, Antony shifted it into gear and rolled out of the lot. And away from the woman who held his heart.


Lesley stalked around the apartment, wiping imaginary dust off random surfaces and gazing out the window every time she walked by. She’d been out of this hospital for three days and safely ensconced in Antony’s apartment on post. Aside from opening the windows, she hadn’t been outside since being released. And she was going bonkers.

Oli had brought her laptop and some of her stuff and was checked in on her every morning before going to the office. Stina had come by the day before with lunch when Antony was stuck in meetings.

And Antony was being an absolute gem. She wanted for nothing. Well, almost nothing.

She was just about done with being treated like she was fragile. He was attentive and affectionate, and when they were together, he was always in arm’s reach. And then he wrapped her up in his arms each night and they slept. Just slept.

Despite her best efforts, he refused to do anything more with her. “The doctors said to take things easy,” he’d said. He wouldn’t even let her touch him. And so, being the resourceful woman she was, she called the hospital and asked for clarification. Belva, after a hearty chuckle and a brief hold, told her that as long as she felt up to it, she could do what she wanted.

Lesley glanced at the clock on the wall. He was due home in just a few minutes. A glance at her chirping phone confirmed via his text that he was on the way.

She smiled.

Antony opened the door. All he wanted was a cold drink and to hold Lesley. Well, he wanted more, but he was still cautious after her trauma. The first thing he noticed was that it was dark. The only light that shone came from the bedroom. He stepped in and closed the door, letting his eyes adjust.

Lesley was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket.

Antony dropped his satchel and took a step toward her. “Are you okay?”

“I am.”

“Were you asleep? I didn’t mean to—”

She stood up and let the blanket drop.

So did Antony’s jaw.

She stepped over the blanket and walked toward him, smiling as he fumbled behind him and flipped the lock on the door.

“Are you sure? But—”

She put a finger on his mouth. “But nothing. I called the hospital and asked, much to their delight. They said I can do whatever I want.” Lesley trailed her fingers down to the first button on Ant’s shirt and slipped it open. She started pushing him toward the bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt along the way.

He helped by stumbling out of his shoes and got her to pause at the doorway while he unfastened and stepped out of his pants and boxers.

“And what exactly do you want, Lesley,” he said, leaning in to kiss her and sucking in his breath as she wrapped her hand around him, stroking slowly.

“I want you to lie back on the bed.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He broke away from her grip and flopped to the center of the mattress, watching her at the foot of the bed, entranced by the way her eyes glittered in the low light.

Finally, she knelt on the bed and moved up. She paused, taking his cock into her mouth and chuckling as he bowed up on the bed. When he reached for her hair, she grabbed his hand and popped him out of her mouth.

“Oh. No. That’s not what I had in mind. That was just a detour.”

She straddled his hips and pressed herself against him, kissing him deeply. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her to him. She broke the kiss and stretched against him.