Page 13 of Gemini Alpha


Chapter 9 Karly

Oh my God.It was absolute heaven to have Alek’s familiar arms wrapped around me. I’d been held by Alek from behind on more than one occasion, and I loved the feel of him. I closed my eyes and rolled my hips, grinding my ass against him. The sensation took me right back to the plane and the mile high club once more. Hard to believe that was only a few hours ago. So much had happened since then. My body loved the familiar desire, the sizzle I ached for so much, it was no wonder I found myself falling for this man.

I was just about ready to spin on my heels, to turn and get another one of those delightful kisses that usually led somewhere with this god of a man, when I opened my eyes and found the three men I’d called over dancing near me. Rory, Chase, and Hatcher were all moving in time with the music in their own individual ways, making my pulse pound. And the fact that none of them seemed bothered to see me all over Alek lit a fire in me as well. I knew I was matching the desire flickering in their eyes. It was almost as if they all wanted to take me here and now. I’d been feeling like a sex kitten, but I couldn’t really entertain this idea, could I?

I swallowed hard, trying to dismiss all the naughty ideas flooding my brain of a tongue here, lips there, fingers here, and a cock plunging deep within me to send me insane. I couldn’t think like that because I needed to be careful. I was here in a professional capacity, not for fun. Anything that happened here could have a real impact on my job, so I had to be smart. Plus, these guys were all alpha types. They had to be to make it to where they were right now. Only the best of the best made it to the Astro Games, so they might not like having my attention split between all of them. During the reception, I’d only chatted with them one at a time, so when they all had my focus, they had me.

But as I took them all in, I didn’t see a scrap of jealousy. They all just looked like they wanted to grab me, to kiss me, even if that meant they had to share me. My panties were soaked all over again, because I wanted to be shared. I never wanted to be shared normally, that wasn’t something I would even consider, but these guys just brought out that side of me.

Alek began kissing my neck, his lips tasting me in the spots he knew were hypersensitive, making me putty in his hands. I melted back against him, deciding not to think too much for a change, not to worry about what might or might not happen. Instead, I decided to focus on having a damn good time. Me having fun couldn’t totally wreck my career, could it?

I couldn’t take it any longer. I caved to temptation. I gave up and let Alek spin me around so we could kiss again. Weirdly, this wasn’t as needy as the kiss on the plane. There was something much more sensual about it, more caring, like there were real feelings there. Oh God, were there real feelings there? From him? I could not deal with that right now. But at the same time, I didn’t want to let him go. I wanted to kiss him forever.

But that wasn’t going to happen. The other men wanted my attention as well, and since I was the one who’d called them over here, I couldn’t just ignore them. Rory took my hand and we danced for a moment. His movements were smooth and sexy, and made my mouth water with desire. I raked my eyes eagerly up his body until they settled on his lips, which were so damn tempting it hurt. I pushed all my worries aside, trying my hardest not to be concerned with what Alek might think if I made my move on another guy right after him. Instead, I followed my instincts, and I leaned in to claim him.

Rory’s kiss was intense, gruff, and possessive. His lips let me know that he knew exactly what he wanted, and right now, that was me. All of me. His hands knotted in my hair and he pressed his body up against me until I felt like I would drop to the floor if he let me go. I felt like this man was kissing the life out of me, taking everything I had, and I was happy to let him. I needed to let him because it felt so freaking good. I had never been kissed like this before.

I knew the Astro Games were going to open my eyes to some brand new things, but I didn’t know it would be in this manner.

I clung to Rory’s shirt so the kiss wouldn’t end, because I loved being this breathless. But as much as I wanted to stick with Rory for a moment longer, it seemed like he had other ideas. He wanted to leave me needing more. He pulled away from me, and basically spun me into Chase’s arms. Immediately, I got the same tingling sensation I experienced when we were talking before. This man had a beauty so overwhelming and his hazel eyes gripped me all over again. My mouth ran dry as his smile lit up the whole freaking room. Chase didn’t even lean into the pretence that we were dancing. Instead, with his hands cupping my cheeks, he dipped his lips down and crashed them to mine. His kiss was softer and more sensual. No less passionate that Rory’s, but in a very different way. I felt like he was intrigued by me, and wanted to know more just by exploring me. His lips tasted just as delicious as he smelled. His tongue felt warm and caring, like he put me on a pedestal and he wouldn’t let me down.

Hatcher’s kiss seemed to come out of nowhere. I almost wasn’t expecting it because he seemed much more reserved than everyone else. I didn’t think he would claim me just like the others did. But here he was with his arms looped around my neck and his gentle, curious kisses leaving me breathless. Each man was different, and that challenged and excited me in equal measures. I ran my hands up his muscular chest until I was holding on just as tightly to him as he was me.

Eventually, I almost fell backwards into Alek’s arms once more. It was like he was reminding me that we knew one another and that we’d connected a number of times, so I could feel safe with him.

“Is this what you want?” he murmured in my ear, in a seductive, intoxicating voice. “Because I want what you want, and you know this could be incredible.”

I let my eyes slide closed once more as this brand new fantasy filled my head. A fantasy that didn’t just involve Alek, but the other men as well. All of them surrounding me, touching me, teasing me, tasting me. I just knew that taking this further would be phenomenal. Like nothing I’d ever experienced before. One of those once in a lifetime things that I would never ever forget. Nor would I want to. It would be one of those intoxicating memories that I could go back to whenever life didn’t feel amazing…

No. As soon as I allowed myself to sink into that fantasy, and turn it into something a little more real, I instantly snapped out of it. The trance broke and I stumbled away from Alek. I mean, what the hell was he even suggesting? It didn’t make any sense to me. I certainly couldn’t figure it out through the haze of heady lust I was currently drowning in. I couldn’t really step that far out of character, especially when I was trying to do a job here. Plus, it would really change everything. Not just between Alek and me, because that would never go back, not that it really could since he was likely going to become the Bear King, but for me as well. I wouldn’t be the same person after it.

I fell into Rory’s arms, which didn’t exactly help things. His presence was just as confusing for me as Alek’s.

“Are you okay?” he asked me quietly. “Do you need help?”

Hell, how did I even begin to answer that question? I had no idea how I felt. And now Chase and Hatcher were leaning in to check on me as well, which wasn’t great. I was woozy, dizzy, about to fall. My heart was thudding so violently it was making me feel sick.

“Ben.” I reached out for my friend, needing his support now more than anyone else’s. “I’ve had too much to drink. I need to go back to the room.”

He didn’t hesitate, not even for a second. Ben tugged me away from everyone and led me outside, where a blast of cold fresh air washed over us, helping to calm me down. It was only then I realized that my breaths were sharp and ragged. I was in a downward spiral and I was grateful I had my friend to pull me back up. He held onto me and refused to let go, even when it felt like I could hit the ground in a heartbeat.

“Well, tonight has been illuminating,” he laughed once we were in the elevator and on the way to our rooms at long last. I guess that was the moment he sensed I could take it. “You looked like you were having fun. In fact, you looked like a harem…”

“A harem?” I shot him a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“You know, one woman and a harem of men. Bear shifters like to have relationships like that. You must know that, right?” He shrugged as if this answered everything. “I’ve even been in one before, but that was a long time ago. Before I met you, when I was in college. It was awesome actually, I really liked it. If we were all a bit older and settled in life, it might have lasted.” He paused thoughtfully for a moment. “You guys looked like you were a harem, and it was hot as hell. I mean, I knew you and Alek had a little something going on. I even guessed you might want something more from him, but the others…wow, when did that happen? Was it, like, instant lust?”

“Something like that.” I chuckled weakly and leaned against the wall. “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

“Well, that says a lot,” Ben said, impressed. “Because it looked like there was a real sizzle between you all. I actually thought you might end up bringing them all back to your room tonight.”

I would have loved that, but it wasn’t a decision I could make lightly. Not when I had so much on my mind. I guess it was going to take some time for me to work out what the hell I wanted. From Alek and everyone else. Right now, I just couldn’t wait to get to bed so I could sleep all this off. Maybe in the morning I would have a bit more sense in my head. Plus, I had that morning run with Hatcher to look forward to, which was only going to be professional whether we’d kissed or not, so that could help clear my head. I needed to deal with this properly.

Ben walked me to my room and made sure I was well and truly okay before he left me to sleep. Honestly, after the day and night I’d had, it took every scrap of strength I had to change out of my dress and into something more comfortable to sleep in. But I did it, and that was something to be proud of at least.