Page 84 of The Text

“Let’s go in the house,” Dad says. “Pop a bottle of champaign. Celebrate.”

“Yes.” Mom takes Amber’s arm.

“We’re not drinking,” I add.

“Of course, you are. It’s a celebration.”

“Amber’s pregnant, Dad.”

“Oh, my God!” Mom steadies herself before she caterwauls.

Dad hurries to comfort her.

“We’re going to be grandparents,” Mom wails. “Grandparents!”

“I know.” Dad smooths her hair.

Mom quits crying and holds her arm out for Amber to come.

She does, and Dad gives me a sign to do the same. I join in for a hug.

“Boys,” Dad says.

Which is a rallying cry for my brothers to converge. The embrace lasts two to three minutes before it finally breaks up.

“Wish Sarah were here,” Mom says.

“I know,” Dad says. “But we can call her when we get inside.”

Mom starts crying again. I haven’t seen her cry more than once in my entire life before today.

“What is it?” Dad asks her.

“They eloped. We weren’t there.”

It’s an emotional ride, seeing one’s mother cry. Especially when it’s from regret. I might be able to fix that.

“We can renew our vows, Mom. Amber and I have already talked about it.” We mentioned it more in passing than anything, but she doesn’t need to know.

“You can, can’t you?” Mom wipes her tears. “Let’s go in the house and start planning.” She takes Amber’s hand and walks. “This is so exciting.”

While Mom is ahead of us, Dad briefly explains that he got a phone call from Farrah’s father, and he couldn’t be more appalled. He was completely in the dark until Buck Johnson Esquire contacted him.

“Good choice using Buck, by the way.” He grins at me. “Anyhoo.” That’s a word I’ve never heard Dad use, but then again, he’s never been in this uncomfortable a position before. “If you don’t mind, we’ve forgiven them. The wives are too close. She’s your mom’s best friend. I just can’t…” His head shakes almost uncontrollably. “I love your mother too much.”

“That’s alright, Dad. Everything worked out.”

“It did, didn’t it?” He slaps my back. “I’m thrilled for you, son.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

We walk into the house. Mom and Amber are at the dining room table planning out a wedding. “This’ll be huge,” Mom chants. “I can’t wait.”

“I can’t either.”