Page 77 of The Text



It was good seeing Blake and Rob again, and it was nice meeting Ryder.

“This is a big ask,” Noah says to the three of them before exiting the hospital. “But would you mind letting me borrow the car and finding another way home? Amber and I want to be alone. Have some more talking to do.”

Turns out, Noah told the driver of the car that brought us here that he wouldn’t be needed any longer. That’s a head-scratcher.

“Of course,” Ryder says. “Not a problem. I can have a car here for us in fifteen minutes.”

“You sure?”


“Okay. Thanks.”

Noah and I get into the limo. “Nice car,” I say and slide to the middle.

“It is,” Noah replies, leans in, and kisses me. A long, deep kiss that I’ve missed so much.

“You happy about the baby?” I ask.

“Are you kidding? I’m thrilled.”

“What about Farrah? When she finds out we’re back together and I’m pregnant, she’s going to flip.”

“I have somebody taking care of it.”

My pulse races. “You’re not going to have her killed, are you?”

Noah stiffens and raises a lone brow. “Have you been watching gangster movies?

“No, but I’ve seen enough to understand whatsomebody’s taking care of itmeans.”

“Not this time, I’m afraid,” he says. “Nobody’s getting snuffed out. I have a lawyer friend who’s an expert in dealing with people like Farrah. She’ll either take down everything she’s posted and issue an apology, or life will become extremely difficult for her and her family. I hope it doesn’t come to that because her parents aren’t bad people. Her mother and mine are close.”

I’m torn either way. Part of me would like to see Farrah brought to her knees, yet the other part wants to offer forgiveness. Tough choice.

“You’ll never know how grateful I am that you came looking for me,” I tell him.

“I am, too.” He kisses me again. “You ready to come back to New York?”

“Yes, I am.”

He tells the driver we’re going to my house and gives him directions. When we arrive, he says, “You go on in. I have a few calls to make, and I’ll be there.”

I wonder what’s up.

He must understand the hesitation. “I need to have my brothers get my things and contact the pilot. Then I want to talk to Ryder and thank him for everything he’s done.”

That’s an answer I can live with. “Okay,” I say and get out. Walk to the door and go inside. Mom and Dad are in the kitchen eating a sandwich. A good-looking sandwich, too, I might add. Am I ever hungry!

“Where have you been?” Mom asks.

Since Noah will be in any second, I jump right to it and give her the abbreviated version of what’s happening.

“He’s here?” Mom asks.