Page 58 of The Text

“Give me your number.”

I do. I don’t know why. He already has it.

“I’ll give him the message.”

“He has to call me.” Why am I begging like this? The man cheated on me.

“I’ll tell him.”

“Thank you, Judy.” I end the call and curl up on my mattress. I’m hurting as bad now as I did when I saw the photo of Farrah naked in our bed. What is wrong with me?

Sleep eventually overtakes me, and I awaken with a new resolve. This pity party ends today. The baby and I will be fine. We don’t need Noah or any other man in our lives. Everything’ll be fine.

Once I finish with the pep talk, my phone dings. I snatch it like a frog does a fly. A text from Blake Dalton.Meet me at the Waldorf Astoria Lounge in downtown Chicago.

What’s he doing in town?

Being there in an hour or less is a possibility, but I don’t want to push it. Want to give myself a little leeway in case I run into problems. Plus, I don’t want to seem too eager. I text him back:Give me two hours.

I’ll be here.

I shower quickly and splash on some makeup. Change clothes. Casual high-rise denim jeans and a basic black short-sleeve V-neck. I’m not going all out in case I leave there bawling. Consider asking Mom to drive me, but I don’t need the third degree. I’m already stressed enough over why Blake wants to meet in person. And why is he in Chicago?

I get hold of an Uber and arrive at the Waldorf twenty minutes early. Hang around outside, pepping myself up, and it’s not easy. But I can do this. Whatever Blake throws at me, I can handle.

When the time comes, I square my shoulders, take a breath, and walk to the Waldorf’s entrance. My phone warns me a text has arrived. Blake probably canceling. I check to make sure, and there she is again. Why is she doing this to me? And what about her incredible timing?

The text is from Farrah, and she’s sporting a giant diamond on her ring finger. The caption reads:Finally popped the question, and I said yes. Marriage and a little one on the way. Noah and I couldn’t be happier!

My legs grow weak, and I nearly throw up. The sweating begins, and my vision blurs. Somebody grabs my elbow. “Are you all right, miss?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” I step back and wipe my brow. This must be why Blake flew here, to give me the news in person. Something his brother should have done. But then again, his brother… Forget it. I can’t do this anymore. Can’t deal with the Daltons. I just can’t.

I spin on my heel and march over to a valet. He’s eighteen and happy. “I hate to be a bother, but would you happen to have the number of the nearest cab company? I need a ride.” I could have found this out myself, but I need the fastest way out of here, and I’m hoping this kid can help.

“Where’re you going?”

I tell him.

He scans me up and down, not sexually. “You look like a nice lady. You see that car?” He points at a gray Volkswagen bug. “That’s my girlfriend over there. She’s waiting for me to get off, but the thing is, the guy working the next shift is a no-show, and now I have to stick around until his replacement shows up, and the boss told me that wouldn’t be for another hour. So, if you’re in a hurry, she can take you where you want to go. Otherwise, you’re looking at twenty minutes, give or take.”

I rub my chin.

“Up to you,” he says.

I want out of here. “All right, I’ll do it.”

“Come with me, then.” He breaks into a jog, and so do I. We reach the car, and he tells me to get in. Then he explains to his girlfriend what’s going on. She’s seventeen and chirpy and would be more than happy to drive me.

She tells me to buckle up, and the two kiss like they’ll never see each other again. I could have downed a cheeseburger by the time they break it off.

“Miss you,” he whispers to her.

“I’ll miss you more.”

He taps the roof of the car. “You better go.”

She puts the bug in drive, and we rattle down the road.

The girl chatters the entire way, which is good because it doesn’t allow me time to think about what just happened. But when she drops me off, I’m swarmed by it.

Thank goodness my parents aren’t home because I wouldn’t be able to take it. I head straight for my room and dive into bed.

This has been a reality check. It’s time to grow up and move on. And that begins by finding my own place to live and preparing for the baby.

I can do this; I know I can…

I can do this.