Page 40 of The Text



The only way my life could be any better is if Amber had a ring on her finger, and that’s about to happen. The ring is nearly complete.

A friend of mine hooked me up with a friend of his who has a buddy with close ties to the lead designer over at Harry Winston—purveyors of the most spectacular diamonds in the world and the ultimate New York Jeweler—and he has designed for Amber an engagement ring and wedding band that are nothing short of spectacular. Can’t wait until Amber sees them. Hope she says yes. Maybe I should have asked before doling out that kind of money, but then again, where’s the excitement in that?

* * *

Lunch today with my brothers and Tom.

It’s been some time since my good friend and I have been in the same room. We’re busy people. It’s hard to connect.

“Sorry I’m late.” I pull out a chair and take a seat. Point at the drink in front of me. “Whiskey Coke?”

“Of course,” brother Rob answers.

Though I’m tempted to toss the nectar back and order another, I place it in the center of the table instead. “Better not.” I drink the water that’s in front of me.

Tom looks at me funny.

“Been one of them fuckin’ days,” I comment. “Need to keep my wits about me if I’m going to make it through.”

“I hear you,” Tom replies.

I get a server’s attention and mouth, “Coffee.”

She nods and gives a thumbs-up.

“We ordered for you,” Rob states.


“No problem.”

“How are things, Tom?”

“Busy. Busy, like you. Swimming amongst the sharks.”

I sip my water.

“Thanks for recommending Amber to us. She’s working out well. Smart girl. Hard worker.”

I’m sure she is. And I know she likes it there a lot. Still hasn’t stopped me from mentioning—numerous times—that I’d like her to quit and enjoy life. She points out that boredom would come, and then what? “Long-term boredom never leads to anything positive,” she said. “I’ve seen the shows, and if anything, it can be a relationship ender. We don’t want that… do we, Noah?”

I told her to forget I ever said anything.

“She enjoys working there,” I tell Tom.

“That’s good.”

The server brings my coffee, and I thank her, squint, and sip. Hot as expected. I put the cup down and tap my fork and knife and napkin. “The rings are finished.”

Tom looks at me funny again.

I pause before saying anymore because our food has arrived. When it’s on the table and the waiter leaves, I tell Tom what is going on. “I’m going to ask Amber to marry me.”

“You’re kidding?”