Page 43 of The Text

“Nice place.” She steeples her fingers. “How come you’ve never invited me here before?”

I jerk my thumb toward a vacant chair. I’d ask her to leave right away, but we need to talk.

Farrah ignores my thumb, leans forward in my chair, and picks up a pen, caresses her lips. “Haven’t seen you in a while. I’ve been thinking of you.”

“That’s nice.” I walk over and take her arm and help her up.

She travels the office taking things in. “The amfAR Gala’s coming up, and I thought we should go together. What do you think?”

What do I think? I think that you’re out of your mind.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Farrah. And another thing. Leave Amber alone.”

“Leave Amber alone?” she repeats mockingly.

“Don’t play stupid.”

“I’m not.”

“I know what happened.”

She raises her brows, shakes her head, and shrugs.

I nearly lose it. “Goddammit, Farrah. I’m going to marry that girl, and I don’t need you messing with her anymore, you hear me? Now get the hell out!”

Farrah’s gaze grows flat, and her lips tighten and curl. She treads for the door and spins. “You’ll regret this,” she warns. “Mark my words, you’ll regret it.” She stomps off, saying to Judy on her way by, “What the fuck you looking at?”

Judy hurries into my office. “What happened in here? I glanced up as she walked by, and she took offense.”

“It was nothing. What do we have going on next?”

“Conference call in half-hour with Keith Jones.”

The call with Keith is a bi-weekly thing. He manages three of the hotels we’re involved with.

“All right, thanks.”

Judy turns and leaves.

I holler at her.

She comes back.

“Can you shut the door, please?”


“Let me know when it’s time?”

She nods and closes the door.

I lean back in my chair and put my feet up on the desk. Think about what a nut job Farrah is and how angry she was when she left. Too bad. She can find somebody else to obsess over. Then I think about proposing to Amber. The ring will be ready for pickup in the next few days, so I think I’ll do it then. We’ll have to see.

The conference call goes well, and so do the meetings that follow. At the end of the workday, Judy reminds me of my flight tomorrow. “Flight AA289 out of LaGuardia. Eight a.m.”

“Thanks, Judy.”

This is a business trip I wish I didn’t have to take, but it’s important, and I can’t trust anyone else to do it.

“You need anything else?” Judy asks before heading out.

“Not that I can think of.”

“Have a productive trip.”

“Thank you.”

Judy leaves, and I straighten up and put things away. Have a date tonight with Amber, and I want to spend as much time with her as possible before I leave. I’ll sure miss her when I’m gone.