It’s been a few weeks since I first met Noah. My life has changed immensely since then.
To my surprise, and my cousin’s, I’ve already moved in with him. So much for being known as the last wholesome girl from the Midwest. If they only knew.
“What if things don’t work out?” I asked my cousin before leaving. “Where will I live then?” Getting an apartment in this town is difficult.
“Worry about thatifthe time comes,” she answered me. “Take a leap.”
So, that’s what I did. Been great ever since. I love waking up next to Noah with his hands and mouth all over me. The mornings when he’s eating me out.Mmmm. Those are the best.
No one at work knows of my address change or relationship status, and I’d like to keep it that way. I guess Tom, my boss, knows, but he doesn’t count. He won’t say anything.
Kathy and I have lunch together almost every day. She’s becoming a close friend, and I should treat her as such by telling her about the man I’m dating and my living conditions. Not quite sure if I’m ready for that, though. We’ll have to see.
So, Kathy and I are on our way to the sandwich shop down on the corner, and we’re talking, so I’m not paying attention when the hip check comes. I slam into Kathy. Something clamps my wrist and jerks me right back. The profanity begins from there.
“You fucking cunt!” Yes, thec-word. “Go back to the fucking farm where you belong and stay away from my man.”
Why do people assume if you grow up in the Midwest, you grew up on a farm? Or maybe she doesn’t assume that; she’s simply saying it.
I stand unmoving with my mouth gaped wide, gawking at Farrah Conner. Her big hair is pulled into a ponytail, and her tanned skin is glistening. Muscles are taut. Arms are sculpted. She’s wearing a too-tight cotton sports bra and leggings from Versace. Just came from the gym, I suppose.Cute outfit, by the way.
Takes me three tries to break free of her grasp. Still haven’t spoken.
“Who do you think you are?” Farrah adds and steps in close.
My eyes are dead even with her collarbone. “Leave me alone, Farrah.”
“Get the fuck out of town,” she demands. “Noah Dalton is out of your league. And he’s mine.”
Kathy peels herself off the pavement and somehow gets between us. Shoves Farrah, clutches my elbow, and we fast-walk out of there.
“Leave him alone!” Farrah hollers after us.
“Who is that psycho?”
“Farrah Conner.”
“What’s this about Noah Dalton?”
“You know him?”
“I know of him; I don’t know him. He’s the biggest hunk in the city.”
“He’s nice, too.”
“How do you…?”
She notices my smile.
“Are you dating him?”
“Living with him.”
“Whaaat? Why didn’t you tell me? This is huge.”