“Has he made contact?”


“Where are they now?”

“The Cana and his beta went back to their motel, but they haven’t left.”

“You think they will?”

“Isaiah can be… persuasive. It helps since he and Nash have the same goals in protecting the Cana.”

True. There was no telling what Isaiah would say to Luca Suarez or Nash to convince them his interests weren’t selfish.

And deadly for Nash.

Because Isaiah believed he had to tie Luca to his pack in order to bring back their wolves. To do that, Isaiah would have to kill Nash Kelli.

Johnathan ran his hand through his hair. “I’ll get with the others and try to figure out a way to warn Nash and Luca.”

Without getting killed and without instilling distrust. While Johnathan’s people didn’t need the Cana, there were members of his team who did.

A series of soft clicks preceded the catlike purr Caspin exhaled. “They are not in imminent danger; however, your Dr. Dante is.”

“What do you mean?”

“The military man Harrington has taken him to the base they have set up near the South Carolina line.”


“I heard him say an Anubis attacked Dr. Dante.”

But Dr. Dante wasn’t a threat to Nash, and he was in Washington almost three thousand miles away from where the scientist lived. However, to the untrained eye, a Sarvari was easily mistaken for the manifestation of pure ichor.

“Who was it?” There’d always been the risk of others outside of Johnathan and his team knowing about Dr. Dante surviving Paul’s bite and going after him for themselves.

Because surviving it meant he wasn’t human. And a Varu without a wolf was only one VrK injection away from being Mah.

“It wasn’t a Sarvari either, Johnathan.”

“Fuck. If one of Paul’s defectives survived…” While Johnathan’s father killed the failures, the evidence left behind at his compound proved Paul hadn’t. Instead, he’d blood-tied the monsters. Now, without a Beta or Alpha to control them, there’d be no way to stop them from rampaging.

“It wasn’t a defective either.”

“There’s no one else…” There was another creature the common person could mistake for the Sarvari. Zayatu. Curs. Mindless extension of the Sarvari created from biting humans. An act Grey had forbidden anyone to attempt. “No.”

“There was no scent. That’s the only thing it could have been.”

While there’d been the minute chance of another pack deciding the scientist was better off dead than in the hands of Grey Dekker, Johnathan had counted on fear of retribution from the Alpha if they tried. Because Grey Dekker would have sent every beta he had out to track them down and obliterate the entire pack to make an example of them.

But killing Dr. Dante with a cur meant no link to the guilty party. And making curs meant whoever it was had enough strength to challenge Grey.

“Is he…?” Johnathan didn’t want to say it because it meant the end of everything.

“Aside from a few bruises, he’s unharmed.”

“He got away?”

“He killed it.”