The Anubis exhaled a purr from Nox’s chest. “Goddamn it.” He scrubbed his face.

“It’s okay.”

The look Nox gave Luca said he didn’t agree.

“It is.” Luca petted Nox’s cheek. The short hairs from a few days without shaving scraped his fingertips. “I promise.”

“What if it decides it wants to be in control all the time?” Nox’s voice cracked. “What if it hurts you?”

“We’ve already had this discussion.”

Nox returned to driving nails.

Would Nox ever believe what Luca felt in his core?

A sleek black sedan pulled into a parking space. People who stayed in a place like the Moonlight Motel didn’t drive cars that fancy.

Doors opened. Two men wearing expensive suits got out.

Definitely not patrons.

“I think we’re about to get run off,” Luca said.

Nox looked. “Terrific.”

“You want me to go tell Mrs. Canton?”

“No, I’ll handle it.”

Nox headed to the ladder. Luca followed.

“Would you mind staying up here while I deal with them?” Nox stopped at the top of the steps.

“Don’t you think it would be better if I did the talking? Less intimidating would be better.”

“Mrs. Canton is less intimidating, and it hasn’t done her a lot of good.”

“Okay, less intimidating than you.”

He watched the men who stood adjusting their suits and staring back. “Okay, but stay out of reach.”

“Pretty sure they won’t do anything that stupid in broad daylight.”

“Maybe not, but the Anubis doesn’t care what time of day it is. They touch you; it will kill them.”

The last thing they needed was to wind up in jail. New World or the military wouldn’t need a super-secret way to find them then. “Okay, I’ll stay out of reach.” Luca headed down the steps.

The man with blond hair smirked.

“You look lost.” Luca even managed to smile.

“Nope, not lost.” The guy dropped his hand to his side, brushing the edge of his jacket just enough to flash the butt of a gun.

“Then, if you’re wanting a room, I suggest one down on the lower end, bottom floor. Upstairs is being repaired.”

Luca leaned against the railing of the steps. It shifted. He eased off in case it broke. Acting smooth didn’t work well lying face down on the concrete.

“Yeah, we’re here to talk to you about those repairs.”