Seung returned to the back. A dull thump made Luca look. Seung wore a bloody white undershirt and a pair of camo pants. The redhead lay in a heap on the ground beside the armored truck with only his boxers on.

“I should have thought about dressing earlier.”

“You were a little busy driving. And I honestly didn’t care.”

She smiled.


“A true Cana.”

“No. I used to care. But I think Nox pretty well ruined that for me.”

She laughed, then her smile shriveled up and a low growl rolled in her chest.

“What’s wrong?” Luca followed her gaze. A black van approached in the rearview.

Seung stopped growling. “It’s Phillips and Dr. Dante.”

Luca climbed out of the M-ATV. The van’s occupants weren’t visible to him for another few seconds. Phillips guided the van around the M-ATV and stopped in front of it.

Dr. Dante was the first to get out. “Hey.” He hurried over. “You, are you—” He started to hug Luca and stopped. “Sorry, I uh—.”

Luca threw his arms around Dr. Dante and hugged him. “I was worried something happened to you.”

Dr. Dante returned the hug with a sigh. “A lot happened.”

Luca let him go and looked him over. There was blood on Dr. Dante’s shirt sleeve.

“There’s a first aid kit in the truck.”

“What?” Dr. Dante looked where Luca did. “Oh, that, no, I’m fine, it’s fine.” He brushed the material as if the blood could be dusted off.

“Have you seen Johnathan?” Seung walked over.

“I’m here.” The back door on the van opened and Johnathan climbed out. Physically he appeared perfect, but exhaustion aged his features.

Phillips joined them. She eyed the armored vehicle. “You did a number on that thing.”

“If you think that’s bad, don’t look—”

Monstrous creatures moved in chaos. Blue wolves flashed in his periphery. Blood soaked his fur. And there was nothing left of the Anubis’s left rear leg.


He blinked and Seung knelt in front of him.

She helped him stand. “What’s wrong.?”

“Nox. He’s in trouble.” Luca tried to push past her, but another slice of agony lashed his shoulders. The grind and snap of bones drowned out the voices of people around him. He was there, with Nox, while he fought as the Anubis.

Bizarre-shaped curs, with multiple mouths and malformed backs. The claws at the end of the Anubis’s toes were shattered.

Cold slipped into Luca’s chest.

“Nox!” Luca reached for him even though he wasn’t there.

A hard shake broke the contact. Luca lay in the back of the van. The ghostly pain didn’t fade with the images from Nox’s mind.