“I’m alone,” Phillips said.

“Pardon me if I don’t believe you.” It was too big a risk for Johnathan to do anything but doubt.

“If I were lying, you’d smell it.”

“I’m not so sure of that.”

“Mr. Dekker, I’m very adept at shooting long range.” Phillips curled the corner of her mouth. “If I wanted any of you dead, I wouldn’t need to be in your living room to do it and I wouldn’t need anyone’s help. One high explosive, armor piercing .50 caliber too your neck would sever your head as effectively as any blade.”

Johnathan hadn’t been alive during a time when the Wardens were at the peak of power, but he’d heard what they were capable of from Caspin, who’d seen more than his share of death at their hands.

So, he didn’t doubt her for a moment she couldn’t do what she claimed. “Fine, then talk.”

“The Senate wants to start a war with Grey Dekker.”

Johnathan tensed.

“And they plan on using the VrK and the supply of people currently incarcerated to create curs and launch controlled terroristic attacks on the public. According the late and greatHonorableMax Denton, the group we spotted was the last test run. Focus being distance.”

“How much distance?”

“Nine-hundred miles.”

Johnathan rocked back and tossed a look at Seung.

“I take it that’s not a good thing,” Nox said.

“Controlling a cur is a lot like casting a wolf,” Seung said. “Distance is a limitation. Very few Varu can send out a wolf more than a mile, less a handful of miles.”

Nox jerked his chin at her. “You said you sent yours fifty.”

“I’m one of the exceptions.” Seung frowned at Phillips. “How are they controlling these things?”

“Denton said they use implants designed to trigger the parts of the brain responsible for voluntary movements. If the cur complies, it’s rewarded with stimulation to the accumbens. Resistance is punished by sending signals to the pain matrix. A job well done?” Phillips lifted one shoulder. “They flood the brain with dopamine infusions.”

“What would dopamine do?” Nox said.

“It’s the reason you orgasm.” Dr. Dante pushed his glasses higher up on his nose.

“Why would that work as a reward?” Luca looked at Nox and whatever secret message passed between them left Luca’s cheeks bright pink.

“A cur wants to experience the world as much as any Sarvari. The only way they can do that is through the Mah who made them.” Johnathan said.

And it couldn’t experience the most desirable tactile sensations in its natural form. Being without sex organs and a brain not wired for the stimulus, the human-like form of Varu or Mah was the only way.

To Phillips, Johnathan said, “If they’ve done other test runs, why haven’t you seen them via satellite?”

“I’m guessing they performed them overseas. Possibly Russia. Siberia is pretty isolated. And unpopulated. Not much reason to keep eyes on the area if there’s no activity to warrant it. Or, they haven’t run as many as Denton claims.”

“Do you know why they sent one after Dr. Dante?” Because if they sent one, they might send more, and Johnathan wanted to be ready.

“Denton claimed they didn’t. And I think he believed what he said.”

“What do you believe?”

“When the cur changed trajectory, it did so at the shortest point of distance between the group and Dr. Dante. It didn’t waver, it didn’t pause or make a single detour. It moved with purpose, not like it was chance.”

“How do Mah normally control a cur?” Dr. Dante said.