Especially Dr. Dante.

“Jonathan’s right,” Seung said. “She’s dangerous.”

A flush crawled up Dr. Dante’s neck.

“It’s okay, Dr. Dante. They have every reason not to trust me.”

Dr. Dante made a face. “Fine. But tie her hands in the front. In case she needs to drink some water or something.”

Dalton raised his eyebrows at Johnathan.

Dr. Dante indicated the sling with a flip of his hand. “She’s hurt.”

“Naw, she’s faking it.” Craige sneered.

“Why the hell would she pretend to have a hurt arm?”

“Perfect way to hide a weapon. All wrapped up in a sling?” Craige stepped closer. White points peeked from under his upper lip. “In fact, I suggest we strip search her, check all the nooks and crannies. No telling where she might havestuffeda gun.”

“Enough.” Johnathan silenced his first with a glare. To Phillips, he said, “What’s wrong with your arm?”

“Dislocated shoulder.”

“See,” Dr. Dante said. “You put her arm back and you could pull it out of socket again.”

As if Johnathan cared. But since Dr. Dante obviously did...

“Go ahead, in the front. When we get inside, she sits in a chair so we can restrain her ankles.”


Johnathan returned his attention to Dr. Dante. “She doesn’t need her feet to drink.”

Dalton zip-tied Phillips’ wrists and Johnathan escorted her into the house.

Ty brought a chair to the center of the living area.

Johnathan pushed Phillips into the seat and Dalton secured her ankles to the legs.

“This is ridiculous.” Dr. Dante tossed up his arms.

“It’s not,” Phillips said. “I promise, I understand.”

“No offense, Ms. Phillips, but there’s just one of you, and you don’t stand a chance at hurting them, and they know it.”

“They aren’t worried about themselves, Dr. Dante.” She smiled a little. “They’re worried about you.”

He stepped back.

Nash attempted to usher Luca out the door, but he shrugged him off. “I’m staying. I want to know what’s going on.”

Johnathan moved in front of Phillips.

James, Ty, and Eric flanked out in front of Seung with their guns drawn but lowered.

Craige and Dalton covered the rest of the room.

A living wall protecting Dr. Dante and Luca.