Johnathan started toward the Jeep.

Seung stopped him. “This time, you really need to stay in the SUV. If Nash sees you, we might not get a chance to explain to him what’s going on.”

Johnathan pursed his lips. “Fine.” He knocked on the side of the SUV. “Loomis, Michael.”

The two betas got out.

“Go with Seung, but keep your distance unless you’re needed.”

Both men gave an affirmative and undressed.

“Why are they taking their clothes off?” It was cold and the last thing Reese wanted was to ride in a car with two naked betas, especially after what Craige had said.

Sex and chocolate…

How was that even possible?

Seung took Reese by the arm. “C’mon Dr. Dante.” She guided him back to the jeep. Reese got in.

Loomis and Michael vanished under a web of black.

“Lucky bastards.” Craige started up the jeep.

“Quarter mile down, there’s a break in the trees,” Seung said. “Turn there but keep the lights off.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Craige glared at Reese from the rearview and Reese rolled down his window more.

Maybe if the car aired out, Craige would be in a better mood. Or at least a less dangerous one.

Cold air bit Reese’s cheeks. He wrapped his arms around himself.

Craige slowed and took the Jeep across the shoulder of the road and down an incline steep enough to cause Reese to slide forward.

The two Sarvari flanked the Jeep. Unlike the Anubis, they didn’t move as if the world around them didn’t exist, but they also didn’t appear as grounded as the cur that attacked Reese in his home.

Craige laughed. “Hang on to something. It’s about to get rough.”

About to?

The jeep leaned to the right, and Reese grabbed hold of the seatbelt.

“Might want to buckle up, Doc.” The vehicle came off the incline, tossing Reese the other way.

“Quit fucking around,” Seung said.

“What? I’m driving.”

He drove all right. Reese buckled in just as Craige took the vehicle into a ravine.

“I thought you said this was a path?” Reese grabbed hold of the door.

“No, I said there’s a trail seven miles in,” Seung said.

“There’s seven miles of this?” The jeep bounced and Reese’s stomach lurched.

“It won’t be this bad for long.”

God, Reese hoped not.