
The plane was larger than Reese expected, but unlike the government VIP jet, it lacked overdone frills of inlaid bars and sconces on the walls and concentrated on comfort for multiple people.

Reese took a seat by the window, and it swallowed him whole.

A plane built for multiple people who werewayabove average size.

Seung sat beside Reese, her betas behind them.

Johnathan sat in the fourth seat on the row facing Reese.

Close enough for conversation without having to yell, but barely.

On the other half of the plane were Johnathan’s three big betas and a fourth man closer to Reese in height and build. Like Johnathan, they wore the same military-style clothes, dark gray and black, with a utility belt and under-the-shoulder holsters.

Reese yawned and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

They’d left the old factory so fast he barely had time to wake up. Reese stretched out his legs. His socks didn’t match, and his shoes were on the wrong feet, and he’d failed to take off the sweatpants he’d slept in and put on jeans.

At least he’d grabbed the right shirt.

He fondled the hem where the stitches showed because it was inside out.

It seemed he’d barely had time to dress.

Look on the bright side. At least you remembered to put clothes on.

“Do you want some coffee? Daniel is fixing breakfast. He’s a very good cook.”

“What I want is to know what’s going on.”

Seung glanced at Johnathan.

He said, “Isaiah has apparently convinced Nash he cancurehim of the ichor.”

“Wait… cure?” Reese sat forward.


“Cure as in cure. Not purge, but return to a normal state. Like, Nash lives and the ichor goes away.”

“That seems to be the goal.”

“Is that even possible?” Because it didn’t seem like it. But if there was one thing Reese had learned, the ichor followed its own rules.

“The source is very reliable,” Johnathan said.

“Scientifically reliable? Or anecdotal reliable?”

“My brother,” Seung said. “He is friends with a red Fenrir who witnessed it first-hand.”

“Then you’ve got third-party information at best. That’s not reliable. That’s not even believable.” And if by some chance they were right, what did that mean for Nash Kelli?

Danny appeared with water, coffee, and egg biscuits wrapped in paper.

Seung handed Reese a biscuit and coffee, then took some for herself. “You’re right. It’s not. But Isaiah believes it, and he’s convinced Nash it’s possible.”

“How is he planning on doing this?”