Nothing like a fight to warm things up.

Johnathan growled under his breath. “It’s not that…”

“Then what?”

Jonathan scrubbed a hand through his hair. It was long enough for the curls to wrap around his fingers. He hadn’t cut it since he’d returned from Asia after tracking down a shipment of serum.

A meager seventeen thousand vials out of an estimated fifty thousand produced.

Johnathan was supposed to return with a fresh team to search for more, but then Paul wound up dead and his father wanted him to remain in Manitoba until they found Dr. Dante.

“They’re not him.” There, he said it.



Seung pressed her lips together until they were a thin line.

“And no, I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Jonathan knew what hewantedto do, but it was beyond immoral.

“You need to decide before we leave for Manitoba.”

As soon as the storm on the border died, they’d be on a plane back to his father’s estate. The more Mah, the less time before Dr. Dante ran.

The Sarvari vibrated in anticipation.

“There’s nothing to decide.”

“Your brother bit him.”

“Yeah, I’m aware.”

Seung watched him for a long moment, then said, “How fresh is the coffee?”

“Just made it.”

“You mind?”

“Not at all.” Jonathan finished his off before it went completely cold. He was about to get up and fix another when Seung returned and set a mug down in front of him.

“Saw you were low, figured I’d save you the trip.” It was highly unusual for a female to wait on a male. Even more so when that female took the lead in a pack or team.

“Thank you.” And Jonathan said it with the gratitude she deserved.

“You do realize you may not have a choice?” She returned to her seat.

“I’m trying to get Frost to—”

“That’s not what I meant.” She blew a breath across the top of her coffee, making ripples across the surface. “If Dr. Dante is affecting you this badly, your Sarvari might already identify with him.”

“My Sarvari doesn’t know him.”

“Not directly.”

Jonathan didn’t want her to be right, but it was exactly why he was there in the cafeteria at three a.m., unable to sleep. Why he’d taken multiple cold showers yesterday and jacked off until his arm ached.

Before he’d taken the serum, like all Mah betas, his libido had been abnormally high. After the VrK? He didn’t have to stop fucking someone until he wanted to.