Several of the Varu stood and disappeared into the RVs. A cross breeze carried the scent of their fear, teasing the Anubis.

It vibrated with anticipation.

Nox stopped. He didn’t want to endanger these people, and at the moment, he was a danger to everyone.

“Hey.” Luca held Nox’s hand. “You alright?”

“I think I should wait here.” Nox braced for Luca to argue.

“Okay. I’ll go talk to Isaiah.” Luca walked to the RVs.

Nox fought against the need to follow. To drag Luca back to the woods and hide him from these people. Keep him somewhere they’d never reach. Somewhere Luca would never want to leave.

Or couldn’t leave.

The Anubis pushed closer, lighting a fire under Nox’s flesh. He tightened his hold.

Fabric whispered against leaves and grass. “Nox?” Luca approached, dragging Isaiah’s scent with him from where he’d been too close to the man.

A growl rose in Nox’s chest. He shoved it back down. “Fuck.”

“He said we could stay.”

Nox shook his head. “I can’t. I don’t know what I’ll do.”

Luca smiled a little. “I told him we needed some space. He didn’t have a tent, but he has a trailer. He said it wouldn’t take long to get us a mattress to sleep on.”

Luca pressed closer, and Nox didn’t even try to stop from wrapping himself around him. Luca’s scent filled Nox’s lungs, making his skin tight and his cock hard.

Nox’s teeth sharpened, and he lapped at Luca’s throat. But it wasn’t enough. It was never enough.

“Nash?” Isaiah glowed with particles in the dark.

Nox snarled.

“Stay back,” Luca said.

“I just came to tell you we put the blankets and food in the trailer.” Worry edged Isaiah’s voice. “If you like, I’ll show you where it is.”

“No.” Nox bared his teeth. “Just point.”

The wolf appeared from nothing beside Isaiah. The lack of light and night vision of the Anubis didn’t strip away its gold coloration. Stars glittered in its coat, and nebulas filled its blue eyes. It watched Nox without fear, envy, or affection.

But there was knowing.

Nox was so focused on the wolf, he didn’t even realize Isaiah had left until Luca spoke.

“C’mon.” He gave Nox a little push.

The wolf continued to stare.

Nox backed away, unable to let Luca go until he had some distance between him and the apparition.

It vanished and the tension strangling Nox let go.

“You’re going to have to tell me which way to go. It’s too dark for me to see,” Luca said.

The Varu had retreated into their trailers and there were no wolves watching from the shadows. Yet Nox knew they were there. Too far to reach Luca, yet too close.