“You didn’t—” Luca’s throat convulsed, and he concentrated on drawing the cool air into his lungs. When the nausea passed, Luca straightened up. “You can’t blame yourself.”

Nox shook his head.

“Those guys shot you.”

Rain pelted the trees and ran down the trunks in thin trails. What gathered on the branches fell as fat drops.

“I need to get you out of the rain,” Nox said.

“We don’t have any money for a motel.” Other than what Luca carried and whatever Nox had on him, they were broke. “Even if we did, I’m pretty sure there won’t be any in the middle of the woods. Unless you count the squirrel nests. And I’m pretty sure we’re over the weight limit on those.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Nox’s mouth.

“I don’t suppose you know how to build a hut?” There were enough trees around to make a fort, but Luca didn’t have a clue where to begin.

“Yeah, I could build us a shelter, but it would take time.”

Luca would have been happy with a poncho and umbrella.

More rain fell.

“Damn it.” He scraped the rain from his eyes.

Nox walked over and pulled Luca against his chest. Warmth replaced the chill. Nox curled forward, blocking most of the rain with his back.

“Thanks.” Luca leaned into Nox.

“I’m just sorry there isn’t enough of me to keep all the rain off.”

Luca laughed, then a thought hit him. “You could Phase. There’s more of the Anubis. I mean, sleeping under it isn’t exactly my idea of fun, but it will be better than you standing hunched over until Mother Nature quits trying to drown us.”

Nox’s expression fell. “Right now, anything involving the Anubis would be a bad idea.”

“It won’t hurt me.”

“Maybe not.” Nox’s voice fell to a rough whisper. “But it would hurt other people.”

A fact Luca couldn’t deny.

A crow called out and several more answered. The murder passed in broken fragments through the trees. The lead birds stopped a few seconds while the rest caught up. Once the flock regrouped, they went on their way.

Thunder rumbled in the distance.

“Seriously?” Luca glared at the sky. “Washington gets, like, ten thunderstorms a year.” Even though it rained constantly. “It’s not even thunderstorm season….” Another burst vibrated the air.

“Climate change?” Nox shrugged.

Water droplets fell from his shoulders to Luca’s cheeks. “Probably, but it’s still bad timing.”

Raindrops became sheets, enveloping the world in white noise and liquid ice.

“Goddamn it.” Luca huddled closer. The heat radiating from Nox turned the air white with steam.

“If I could do more, I would,” Nox said.

Luca didn’t doubt that. Nox would do anything for him. Not just in words but with actions. Everything from being willing to die all the way to shielding him from something as simple as the damn rain.

Another person had offered to give Luca anything he wanted. Only asking Isaiah for help was the last thing Luca wanted to do.