The thump of rotor blades rose and fell.

“It’s circling the building.” Nox went to the door. The sound of the copter fell into the background.

“You think it’s the police?”

“Who else would it be?”

“How could they know where we are?”

“Someone must have seen me leave in the van.”

Luca packed faster.

“Leave it.” Nox grabbed Luca by the arm.

“The laptop, the money…”

“There’s no time. We have to go now.” Nox pulled Luca from the room, and they ran empty-handed toward the end of the building. Nox stopped and cocked his head. “Sirens.”

“How far?”

“Three miles, two? Not sure.”

The helicopter made another pass. At least the overhang of the second-level walkway gave them cover. The copter disappeared behind the tree line on the other side of the road.

Luca took up a run, following Nox. At the back of the building, he caught Luca by the arm again and guided him into the woods. Even without leaves, the weave of branches blocked out most of the light.

Sirens rose and fell in the distance.

“Where are we going?” Droplets of mist fell from the skeletal canopy, soaking Luca’s bangs and dripping onto his shirt.

“Right now, we just need to get as far away as possible.”

“We should have grabbed the money. We’ll need money.” How would they eat? Where would they sleep? Luca stumbled and Nox scooped him up, tossing him over his shoulder.

Nox fell into a run, moving through trees and over the ground in graceful strides that barely tossed up leaves. The sirens and helicopter faded.

“You can put me down now.” They had to be miles beyond the hotel.

Nox leapt a ditch. Luca braced for the jarring landing, but it didn’t happen.

“Nox, you can stop.”

Muscles flexed under Luca’s torso and Nox tightened his grip. “Just a little farther.”

Nox might have been light on his feet, but the constant sway of movement sent Luca’s stomach rolling.

“I’m gonna puke if you don’t put me down.” Luca swallowed back the rise of nausea. “I’m serious, Nox. Please.”

Nox slowed to a stop, and Luca scrambled from his grip.

Another wave of nausea made everything spin.

“I’m sorry, I just…” Nox didn’t even have a hitch to his breathing.

“It’s okay.”

Nox leaned against a tree and closed his eyes. “I fucked up, Luca.”