Frost grunted.

“It doesn’t.” Johnathan adjusted himself, but it only made things worse.

“Keep telling yourself that.”

“Fine, smart ass. Then why aren’t you hard?” Any Mah within smelling distance should be. And Frost had the guy right under his nose.

Frost took out a tin of mints and plucked one out. “I just have more control.” He popped it into his mouth.

More than anyone Johnathan knew, except his father. And that man had a will of iron. Not that he didn’t take anyone to his bed, he just never joined the mock hunts.

If there was ever a time when the sexual aggression of the Sarvari was at its height, it was then.

Johnathan suspected the need for an outlet was the only reason Grey even allowed omegas to take the VrK.

“So what are you going to do?” Frost chewed, and the mint crunched.

“About what?”

Frost raised an eyebrow.

Johnathan propped an elbow on the door. “Okay, so he’s most likely—”

Frost raised his other eyebrow.

“Fuck, fine, he’s an Urja. As for what I’m going to do? Stick to the plan.” Get Dr. Dante to South Carolina, brief him, then put him on a plane to Ontario and then Manitoba.

“There are almost thirty Mah at the Lexington safe-house.”

“I’m fully aware.”

“There are almost a hundred times that many at your estate.”

Three-thousand-four-hundred-and-twelve, last headcount. Although it might have increased since his father scheduled the pick-up from Asia.

Six men and four women who’d matched the DNA profile for Mah. Once in the states, the men would be re-evaluated for ranking. Men who passed would head to Manitoba. The women would remain in the US and offered the chance to bear Mah offspring. If they declined, they’d be given a job and sent on their way. If they agreed, they’d live like queens for the rest of their life.

But unlike egg-bearing females, Urja didn’t have the luxury of choice.

“Are you going to tell your father?”

“Paul told him what he thought Dr. Dante was.”

“Okay, confirm it, then.”

“Why? So he can rub it in?” By telling Johnathan all the reasons why Paul had been a better First.

“Because he’ll want you to tie him. Preferably before we get to Manitoba.”

Would he? “Well, I guess that will be one more disappointment he can add to his list.”

Frost stared.


“He’s not disappointed in you.”

“Yeah, right.” Johnathan laughed.