“You couldn’t save Koda.”

Reese dropped the blanket.

“But you can help us save Luca and Nash Kelli.”

Reese shivered.

“About a hundred yards from the left of the building is a footpath leading to the old quarry. It will bring you right to us.

“We’ll be waiting in a blue truck inside the culvert bridge. You need to hurry. Laura Phillips’s vehicle just pulled off the main road. You have about three minutes to get out of there without her seeing you.”


Reese’s hand trembled as he slid the phone and his wallet into the pocket of the sweatpants.

Three minutes to choose between a known danger and an unknown one.

Because Reese had no doubts Ms. Phillips could kill him, and he’d always feared she’d find out about the bite.

Whoever it was on the phone also knew she was dangerous. They knew about Koda. Which meant they could be right about Luca and Nash.

And Reese wasn’t about to let either of them down. He not only owed them his life, he owed Koda.

The door to the trailer muffled the sounds of moving bodies, equipment, and voices. He cracked it. Army personnel went about their way doing whatever assignments they had.

Two SUVs pulled into the bay door.


Reese went around the back of the smaller trailer and headed toward the left side of the building.

Wait, was it his left? Or their left?

And which side were they on because there were potentially four different lefts.

He’d just head to the quarry as soon as he could figure out which way it was.

Reese stopped by a stack of pallets covered in a plastic sheet and used the semitransparent covering as a blind.

Laura Phillips got out of the first car. Colonel Harrington walked over to greet her. They exchanged handshakes, and Harrington handed her a folder.

What was it with the military and their black SUVs and folders? And nothing, absolutely nothing good ever came out of those damn folders.

“I should have packed my invisibility cape.” Reese pushed his glasses up higher on his nose. Laura walked with Harrington. Reese waited until he had their backs, then he hurried across the open space, passing a few military men and women.

They glanced his way. He smiled and nodded. They returned to their work.

Reese circled around a pair of smaller trailers. The blue glow of computer screens escaped from the window near the door of one of them. The other remained dark.

He stopped behind another government SUV.

It occurred to him this might be one of the dumbest things he’d ever done in his life, next to going into the woods looking for Luca and Nash. But he’d always had suspicions aboutMs. Laura Phillips. She’d known too much, too quick to have been going in as blind as she pretended.

And it seemed all her secrets were above everyone’spaygrade.

Reese slipped out the bay door.

Which way was the quarry?