Those who did, gathered in egg-bearer packs. Matriarchs who superseded any Alpha or Clan council. But their offspring were almost always seed-bearing, whereas Greater Alphas who coupled with humans almost always sire egg-bearers.

And as long as there was a Greater Alpha to sire young, there’d be Varu.

Tanner scraped his teeth down the side of Isaiah’s neck and he gasped. “I need to—” Suction made the soft spot under his ear sting.

Isaiah shuddered.

“I could get the others.” Tanner hummed. “Would you like that? All of us. With you.” He yanked at the button of Isaiah’s jeans.

The zipper gave way, and Tanner wrapped a hand around Isaiah’s dick. He yelled, and ropes of cum shot all over Tanner’s leg. The beta growled, but it was nothing like it had been when the Fenrir had owned his body.

None of this was, yet Isaiah craved it. The closest any of them could get to the experience of phasing and the becoming of the wolf they’d been born for.

Tanner lifted Isaiah and pushed him back against the table. The Tupperware he’d packed spilled off the edge, and he made a weak attempt to stop them.

Tanner stroked Isaiah’s cock. The over-sensitized flesh ached with sharp bites of euphoria. He squirmed and his jeans inched lower until Tanner gripped the waist and pulled them to Isaiah’s ankles.

Another tide of pleasure crested.

“I’m going to make you come until you can’t think.” Tanner licked a line up Isaiah’s stomach to his chest. He latched onto a nipple.

Isaiah arched in Tanner’s arms.

“Would you like that?” Tanner made his way across Isaiah’s chest to his other nipple and bit. “Would you like me to make you come until you can’t stand?”

No. What Isaiah wanted was to run through the woods, knowing a pack of betas was at his heels, each one vying for the right to have him. Each one tracking his path until he had nowhere to go. Until he was too tired to run anymore and would have to face them. The beta to catch him would be the first to mount. Then, if Isaiah wanted it—and he’d always wanted it—the rest would do the same.

But giving in to the Fenrir fed the fears of man, so they’d done their best to abandon what they were to merge into a society that had never accepted them. As long as they acted human, looked human, and followed their social rules, they’d been safe.

Then the changes in those rules brought by religion tightened the noose until they choked in agony.

Tanner’s thick cock rode along Isaiah’s ass crack.

“I’ll send my wolf for the others.”

If he did, Isaiah would never make it to the motel where Luca stayed. And there was no telling how long he’d succumb to the touch of so many betas.

“No, I need to go. This is important.”

“Nothing is more important right now than you.” Tanner let go of Isaiah’s cock and scraped up the mess Isaiah had left on his thigh. “You need us, and we need you.”

But they all needed the Cana because they needed their wolves.

Tanner rubbed his calloused fingers over Isaiah’s opening. There were only a few physical differences between Varu and humans, the lipid content of their seminal fluid being the main one. A feature found in all of them but most evident in Greater Alphas, giving their seminal fluid a texture so distinct it was used in the past to determine if a woman would die for the crime of laying with a Varu.

Which was the reason women never told their families if they suspected the man they’d been with wasn’t human.

But the slick emulsion also came in handy for other ways to find pleasure.

Tanner’s touch became pressure.

Isaiah sank his hands into the man’s hair and yanked him closer. “No.”

Tanner panted. Confusion and pain shadowed the blue of his eyes. “Yes, Alpha.” He started to step away, but Isaiah couldn’t let him. Even separated from his wolf, there were times he couldn’t control what made him Varu.

“Don’t call the others.” Isaiah had to fight to say the words because they were lies, and he knew Tanner would smell it. “Just, just mount me.”

Tanner nodded and stroked his cock.