“Any other names you can tell me?”

“Peterson. He was black.”

Phillips pressed her lips together.

“Any guesses as to who they are or why he’d say anything about a shell game before he died?” Johnathan said.

“Not really.”

“You sure about that?”

“If I knew, I’d tell you. Like you said, we don’t have the luxury of secrets. But I’ll do some digging.”

Luca slumped.

“Hey…” Seung put a hand on his cheek. “How are you doing?”

“Just…” He watched the distance where clumps of woods broke apart the fields on either side of the desolate one-lane road.

Worry and want ricocheted through Luca’s thoughts with images of himself wrapped in strong arms, protected, coveted.

Luca smiled to himself.I miss you too.

Seung met Luca’s gaze, and understanding sparkled in her eyes.

“Do you hear your betas too?” Luca said.

“It’s been a very long time, but yes.”

Which meant, like her wolf, she’d been cut off from her betas.

She took his hand. “Thank you.”

“Saying you’re welcome seems egotistical.”

“It’s not.” She squeezed his hand. “I promise.”

Phillips cleared her throat. “Anyone thirsty?” She tipped her head toward the front of the van. “I saw some bottled water in one of the supply boxes.”

“Water would be good.” Johnathan cleared his throat. “You should drink some too, Dr. Dante.”

“You should probably take a nap,” Luca said to Johnathan. “You look like you’ve been through the wringer.”

He grunted. “I’m fine.”

Luca would have argued but Phillips returned with three bottles of water in hand and passed them out.

“You can keep one.” Luca handed his back. “I’m okay.”

“You sure?”


Phillips opened it and drank half without stopping.

“Thirsty?” Luca laughed.

“Yeah. I spent most of my morning zip-tied to a chair while everyone ate breakfast.” She drank the rest.