“Fine, Seung can—”

“I’m going alone.”


“Give me the goddamned keys, Johnathan, or I’ll leave on foot.”

Johnathan tossed Nox another pleading look.

Nox said, “Dr. Dante—”

Dr. Dante turned his anger on Nox, and for a moment, it made him question whether or not he did carry a Sarvari. Only whatever Dr. Dante bled gave off the air of strength, not a threat, and the Anubis regarded him with indifference.

“If they know where I am now, they’ll know where I go. Putting me in the same car with Luca will practically be a beacon for them to follow. Now, what do you want more? Keep me alive or Luca safe?” Dr. Dante held Nox’s gaze. “Well?”

“I don’t need to answer that question.” If anyone understood the lengths Nox was willing to go to protect Luca, it was Dr. Dante. And he was right. If Nox had to choose, it would be Luca. It would always be Luca, no matter who or how many lives were on the line.

“Then give me the keys.” Dr. Dante held his hand out to Johnathan.

A deep hum resonated through the Anubis, and it shifted all its attention beyond the front door. Dark pinpoints moved on the horizon.

And Nox knew exactly what it was.


Hundreds and hundreds of curs.

* * *

There’d been only a few times in Johnathan’s life he’d submitted to another’s dominance. The times when his father had disciplined him, and when he’d met Nash Kelli face to face. Even when Paul had beaten Johnathan into the ground when they challenged each other, he’d never submitted.

Bloody, broken, in pain, Johnathan had never once broken eye contact.

But he did then.

With all of Dr. Dante’s fury, the absolute determination, the concreted decision, burning in his gaze, Johnathan dropped his head.

A snarl ripped the air, and Nash Kelli pushed Luca back. “Nox…”

Whatever looked at Luca Suarez, then Johnathan, wasn’t a man, Varu or Mah. It was the Anubis.

Nash shoved open the screen, moving so liquid the boards of the porch didn’t even creak under his weight. It took Johnathan a moment to realize what caused Nash’s reaction.

Curs dotted the end of the pasture, moving faster than any normal animal. Their numbers enough to create a ribbon of darkness growing larger with every second.

Johnathan followed Nash, taking care not to come up behind him and scuffing his feet loud enough, he’d notice even over the horrific rumble boiling out of his chest.

Johnathan stopped next to him and gripped the hem of his shirt to take it off.

A hand closed on his forearm. Tendons showed under Nash’s skin. Tremors rode up his arm. And his fingers twitched as if wanting to crush, but never did.

Nash rolled a look in Johnathan’s direction. “It will… k-k-kill yooogth…” The words disintegrated into a snarl.

“You can’t take them alone.”

Green fire swallowed the worried grey of Nash’s eyes.

“Even you can be outnumbered.”