“Are you sure you don’t need medical attention?”

The White Wolf chuffed. “Even if I did, I wouldn’t last five minutes locked in a vehicle.”

Johnathan wished he could argue, except he knew Caspin had run free so long, he was barely beyond a feral animal. “What if I send someone there?”

“I’m healing.”

“I know, but…”

“Your doctors couldn’t do anything time can’t.”

“What if I sent blood?”

“I’m Varu, not Mah. Even if you could get Grey’s blood to me without his knowledge, it’s unlikely it would work.”

“You took the VrK.”

“It doesn’t change what I am.”

Johnathan wasn’t so sure it would matter. Because at their core, they were all Varu.

But Caspin was right. There was no way they’d get blood from Grey without revealing what Johnathan had done.

Son or not, stealing the vial of VrK he’d given to Caspin could be a death sentence.

“Then tell me what I can do to help.” Johnathan had to do something.

“Send supplies. Food, money. The priest feeds me because I’m too weak to hunt. He doesn’t have much and gives me what he does have. He won’t call for transport into town because he doesn’t want anyone to find me. And even if he did, he doesn’t have the money to spare. He prays for these things from his god every night. But his god hasn’t answered him, so if you don’t mind—”

“Done.” It was the least Johnathan could do. “Anything else?”

“Yes. One.”

“Name it.”

“Listen to your wolf. It will know any Judas before you do.”

“You think one of my men talked.”

“I think you should consider the possibility.”

* * *

Reese missed the days when whispers went unheard and walls filtered out things he didn’t want to hear. It had been bad enough knowing the danger Johnathan would put himself in by helping Reese disappear.


“Dr. Dante?” Luca stood beside Reese with an empty plate. “I’m going to put my dishes in the sink and go for a walk with Nox. Will you be okay by yourself?”

Reese wasn’t really alone because Phillips…

The place where her chair had been was empty.


“Seung put her in the extra room,” Luca said.
