“You two gonna eat?” Seung was a grey ghost on the other side of the screen door.

Dr. Dante didn’t acknowledge her.

“Yeah, be there in a minute,” Johnathan said. “You hungry?”

Dr. Dante continued to watch the empty space of the front yard.

It was tempting to touch him—Johnathan wanted to touch him—but if he did, he might not be able to stop.

“Dr. Dante.”

He shook his head. “Sorry I was—”



“You think a lot.”

“Considering the circumstances, it’s hard not to.”

“Your food’s on the table.” Seung held the door open.

Dr. Dante hesitated like he wanted to say something but instead went back inside the house.

To Johnathan, Seung said, “Do you want me to bring you a plate so you don’t have to come inside?”

“As long as you don’t mind.”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I did.” She disappeared.

Johnathan leaned against a post. Dalton returned to the front but kept his distance from Craige. Every so often, Craige would glance Johnathan’s way with anticipation before flicking his gaze to the house and frowning.

If Johnathan gave him the okay now to come inside and eat, he’d clear half the table without regard to anyone else getting their share. That is, if Nash didn’t kill him first. Either outcome would ruin breakfast.

At least that was a disaster Johnathan could prevent.

Unlike the one facing Dr. Dante. He’d need a passport, travel arrangements, transportation, all of which would leave breadcrumbs for Grey Dekker to follow.

The people who could help Johnathan wouldn’t hurt Dr. Dante for fear of Johnathan’s wrath but they’d be the first ones his father would go to.

It would only take one or two dying at Grey’s hands before the rest of them spilled everything they knew.

Leaving Dr. Dante to maneuver the less than legal steps to vanishing wasn’t an option. He’d wind up killed or worse.

And there was so much worse that could happen.

Hiding Dr. Dante was impossible with Johnathan’s involvement.

He needed someone stronger than his father.

If Isaiah had his wolf, Johnathan would have gone to him on his hands and knees. As a Greater Alpha, he’d be an actual threat Grey might think twice about approaching. But without the Fenrir, Isaiah might as well be a simple man.

Nash Kelli was another candidate, but he’d never endanger Luca. Getting him involved could have Grey hunting him like Paul had.

Johnathan couldn’t ask Nash to do that.

Without anyone strong enough to fight Grey’s will, Johnathan needed a person immune to it. Someone like the woman who sat in the living room zip-tied to a chair. But she couldn’t be trusted, and the only other person lived in the woods like an animal.