“Like that?”

“Your dick’s a lot bigger.”

Nox pushed in a second, and Luca arched against him. “And it aches at first. Then you stretch me and fill me, and I can’t think.”

“You like it when I fuck you?” Nox worked his fingers in and out.


“Hard, slow, fast?”

“All of it.” Luca panted. “And not just when you’re making love to me, but after.” Luca turned his head just enough to catch Nox’s gaze.


“When you fill me with cum.”

“Uh, huh.” Nox curled his mouth into a slow smile.

“How it’s hot. How it feels when it runs down—” Luca whined and hid his face against Nox’s shoulder. “I don’t think that sounded like I wanted it to.”

“And how did you want it to sound?” Nox removed his fingers and went back to massaging Luca’s opening.

“Sexy, but I think it came out cheesy.”

“There you go again thinking about food.” Nox nibbled a line up Luca’s neck. “Go get the lubricant and I’ll make sure you never think about food again.”

“Pretty sure that’s not possible.”

“Then, at least for the next twenty or thirty minutes. Forty if I play my cards right.”

Luca slid out of bed. “Don’t go anywhere.” He disappeared, leaving a trail of particles.

Something Nox only saw with the Anubis close to rising. Nox found himself on his feet and in the doorway. Luca turned and slammed into his chest.


He fought against the growl, but it was useless.

“Stop.” Luca's deadpan tone was almost as frightening as the loss of control. Nox had no expectations for the creature to listen, but it didn’t advance. “Let me talk to him.”

Nox rolled up his lips. The Anubis’s want bled through him, turning passion into hunger.

“You agreed. Me and him. Now back off.” Luca walked, and the Anubis retreated until the back of Nox’s knees hit the mattress.

Nox sat.

The Anubis rumbled with agitation. “It’s not going to cooperate.” Nox dug his fingers into the quilt.

“Yes, it will.”

“No, it’s not.” Fire crawled under Nox’s skin and his teeth sharpened.

“Listen to me.” Luca straddled Nox’s thighs. “Relax. Give it a chance to understand what you want rather than trying to fight a battle you can’t win.”

One Nox would never win. He was a man, and the Anubis was other. A darkness from some place that birthed ethereal wolves who lived in people gifting them with their form. Not once did Isaiah, Seung, or even Johnathan talk about the creatures inside them with fear.

Sometimes, Nox wondered if fear was all he had.