Nox laughed, but the seriousness on Luca’s face stopped him. “You’re not kidding?”

“If the Anubis understands you when you think of me, then use it.”

“It doesn’t understand me. It just wants you.”

“And that’s your common denominator.”

“No.” Nox held Luca’s face. “I love you. It’s incapable of that.”

“It feels something for me. If it was just about the sex, it could get that anywhere. And with your body, it could have anyone.”

Nox raised his eyebrows. “My body?”

“You are pretty hot.”

“How hot?” Nox brushed his lips over Luca’s.

“Fry an egg on pavement hot.” Luca grinned.

“An egg.”


“On pavement.”


“You sure you’re not thinking about breakfast rather than me?” He rocked against Luca, grinding their cocks together where they were trapped between their bodies.

“Can’t I…” Luca moaned. “Think about both?”

“If you can think about eating, then I’m not doing this right.” Nox trailed a hand to the crack of Luca’s ass.

Luca slid his leg higher.

“Tell me what you want.” Nox breathed the request against Luca’s cheek.


“What else?”

“You inside me.”

Nox hummed. “I like this dirty talk.”

“How dirty do you want it?” Luca laughed a little.

“How dirty can you get?”

Nox found Luca’s opening. There was still enough wet lubricant to make his fingers slick. “Go on.” He massaged Luca’s hole. “I’m listening.”

“That feels good.”


“Because it reminds me of what it feels like when you push inside me.”

Nox breached Luca’s opening with a finger, and he gasped.