Behind that a yellow bottle of generic lotion. Exactly what he —

The black toiletry bag almost disappeared into the shadows. He pulled it out and opened it. Razors, shaving cream…

A bottle of lubricant.

Even better.

But why would Johnathan stock the house with lubricant?

Considering what Johnathan was, why would he ever be without it?

Luca decided not to question his luck.

The jelly-type lubricant was thicker than he was used to, but it made slicking himself up easier because it stayed in place. He hoped it was enough. Taking the bottle with him felt like it would spoil the fun.

Luca hoped he wouldn’t regret his decision if he misjudged his abilities. Just in case, he left it on the counter.

Nox lay on the bed with one arm behind his head. “I was beginning to wonder if you were ever coming out.”

Luca put a knee on the mattress.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Nox caressed Luca’s thigh.

“How did you know—?”

Nox tugged his earlobe. “Are you sure you used enough?”

Luca’s cheeks burned. “I’ll never be able to surprise you, will I?”

“If I hadn’t heard, the scent would have given it away.”

Luca straddled Nox’s waist, and his cock jumped against his ass cheeks.

A low growl rose in Nox’s throat.

Luca lay down, putting them chest to chest. “Okay, listen up.”

“I’m listening.”

“Not you.”

Nox frowned. “Luca…”

“Shhh—let me do this, okay? Or at least try.”

“It’s not going to—”

Luca pinched Nox’s nipple. “Ow, what the hell?”

“I said shush.”

Nox opened his mouth, and Luca made a pinching motion with his thumb and finger and Nox pressed his lips together.

“That’s better.” Luca twirled a finger through the thin hairs between Nox’s pecs. “I know you can hear me, so I want you to listen.”

Nox scowled, but it belonged to him, and that’s not who Luca wanted to talk to.

He leaned close enough to feather Nox’s lips with his own. “Pay attention or I’m walking out of here and leaving Nox naked on the bed.”