Luca’s heart threatened to crack.

“But not because we’re together.”

“What’s left to regret?”

“That I fought it. That I felt ashamed. That I feel no guilt for killing to protect you.” Nox dropped his chin to his chest. “That I’ll never be completely at peace with this thing inside me.”

“That thing inside you is why we’re together, why I’m alive, and why I’m safe.”

Nox laughed a little. “I know. That’s why I can’t hate it.”

“That’s not true.” Luca saw it in Nox’s eyes.

“No, Luca. I don’t hate the Anubis. I hate what it turns me into, what it takes away, and what it keeps from me.”

“Then don’t let it.”

Nox wound up staring at the floor.

Luca made him look at him. Not by touching him but by willing him. “Let me handle the Anubis.”

Again Nox tried to drop his gaze.

“I’m serious.” Luca held Nox’s face. He wanted Nox to feel his sincerity with more than thoughts. “The Anubis lives in you but it’s mine. It will listen to me.”

“I don’t doubt that. I’m just afraid it won’t obey you.”

“I’m not.” Especially after earlier when Nox hunted Luca in the woods. “So you shouldn’t either.”

Nox caught Luca’s hand and kissed his palm. “I’ll try.”

It was all Luca could expect for now. Once Nox accepted who the Anubis belonged to, he’d be less afraid.

The betas crowded the table where they heaped their plates with contents from the bowls James added to the plate of steaks. “Think we should take Seung’s suggestion and get some food before it’s gone.”

* * *

A knock sounded at the door, but Reese couldn’t find the strength in his legs to go and answer it.

“Dr. Dante?”


“I brought you some dinner.”

Reese’s stomach cramped but not from hunger.

“I’m going to come in. If you don’t want me to, tell me now.”

He tried to tell him no, but if Luca came in, Reese wouldn’t have to feel like a child for admitting hedidn’twant to be alone.

The door opened.

For a moment, voices and the clink of plates filled the room, then Luca shut the door, muffling it all again. He carried over a plate of food.

“I brought you some dinner.” He set down the plate, bottled drinks, and silverware on the bedside table. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a little of everything.”

“You didn’t have to bring me anything to eat.” Reese picked at the cuticle of his thumbnail. Blood filled the tear in the skin.