No, Dr. Dante would run, and Johnathan would catch him. The knowledge burned so brightly it could only be fact.

And Johnathan wanted to catch him. He wanted to feel Dr. Dante’s flesh under his hands and drink down his scent.

“Fuck, Johnathan, I’m not going to be able to hold out. Stop the goddamned truck.” Craige’s shoulder popped.

Neither would Johnathan. He’d strip Dr. Dante down, force his ass cheeks wide and…

Craige punched the dash, black spiraled down his arm.

Johnathan slammed on the brake. Craige threw open the door. He tore his shirt over his head and barely got his jeans to his ankles when the Sarvari Phased into reality.

“I’m really sorry about this.” Johnathan met Dalton’s gaze in the mirror.

The delta opened the door and got out.

Dalton had his shirt off when the Sarvari rushed him. Johnathan stepped in the way catching it with his forearm and taking it to the ground.

“Go.” Johnathan’s teeth punched through his gums and his spine threatened to crack.

There was a moment of shuffling fabric, then feet beating against the ground.

“Shift back.” Johnathan curled his arm, squeezing the Sarvari’s throat. It hacked at the air with razor claws, catching Johnathan across the face, the ribs. Black threads covered the wounds and transformed his hands into massive paws with long prehensile toes. He jerked the other Sarvari off the ground and slung it into the side of the truck.

The black retreated, leaving Craige naked, sweating, hard. He might have had the body of a man but there was nothing but the wolf in his eyes.

“Just a few more seconds to let him get a decent head start.”

Craige pulled himself to his feet. The Sarvari swelled under his flesh, deforming his shoulders and back.

“Stay out of Phase.”

Craige stretched his mouth into a grin. “Dr. Dante should be the one running, not him.”

“Do you want to run or fight? Because I promise you won’t win the fight, and when I get done with you, there won’t be enough left to make chase.”

Craige flicked his attention in the direction Dalton had run.

Johnathan stepped aside. “Now go.”

The other beta made a sound that might have been a word, but there were too many inhuman teeth in the way to understand him.

Craige took off. Dalton made it to the tree line only a second before Craige. The crash of branches was followed by groans of desperation. The sound should have had Johnathan itching to pursue Dalton. Put him on the ground, sink his cock into the man’s ass and fuck him until he couldn’t stand.

Then maybe, maybe if Johnathan felt like it, he’d let Craige have a turn.

But there was no hunger for pleasure from the Sarvari at the prospect of a mock hunt, only the anger at being denied what it wanted.

Who it wanted.

No, Johnathan’s wolf had already decided the scar on Dr. Dante’s shoulder belonged to it, and there was only one person it wanted to mount.

“Fuck.” Johnathan ground his jaw.

The Sarvari burned its way under his skin. It belonged back at that farmhouse, not out in a field taking its fill from a poor substitute.

Johnathan was a hundred yards from the truck before he realized he was following the path of crushed grass marking their route. He stopped, and the Sarvari surged to the surface, forcing his shoulders out of joint and his hips to realign.

If he didn’t keep it from surfacing, it would seize control. It was a danger he hadn’t experienced since he received the serum. Like all Mah who underwent their first change, it was almost impossible to return because they didn’twantto.