“Ye—I don’t know.” The realization left him cold. “Why don’t I know?”

Seung eased her weight off his back. “You can’t know it till you learn.”

She stood and offered him a hand. Reese took it more to have something to hang onto in case his legs decided to take off with him again.

She led Reese back toward the house.

“Are you sure it will be safe for me to go in there?”

“Johnathan will make them leave with him out the back.”

“Where will they go?”

“A few miles away.”

“A few… what?”

She gave Reese a tired look and shook her head. “Anyone ever tell you, you ask too many questions?”

“Trust me. You’re not the first. But how else do I learn unless I ask?”

“You’re right.” Seung opened the screen door.

Reese went inside. The sudden shift from light to dark momentarily blinded him. The back door shut. An engine rumbled.

Seung’s three betas came in from the kitchen.

Reese braced himself for the urge to take off, but the want to lead these men on a chase didn’t happen.

“Don’t worry. Without their wolves, they won’t react like the Mah.”

“Not that we don’t smell you,” James said.

And what had Craige said Reese smelled like?

Seung guided Reese to a recliner and made him sit. She went to the couch and plopped down. The three Betas moved behind her, hovering like stone pillars.

The shortest of them glanced his way, but none wore the same starved feral expression Johnathan had shared with the other two men.

“Can someone please explain to me why I…” Whatever it was, Reese had tried to do.

“Goddamn you, Johnathan.” Seung made a frustrated sound.


She pursed her lips.

“Seung, please tell me what happened.”

She clenched her eyes for a moment.

A thought occurred to Reese. “Does this have anything to do with what Johnathan was supposed to talk to me about?”

Seung exhaled a breath so deep she slumped. “It has everything to do with it.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I should have made him tell you. Even if it was over a cell phone while we were on the plane.” She ran a hand through her hair, combing back the long locks. “What you felt was theGayati. Or in simpler terms, the hunt.”

“As in prey and predator?” Although Reese was pretty sure it was more complex.

“There are a lot of different ways we form bonds and different types of bonds. Companionship being the most common, made stronger by having sex.”