* * *

Reese went up the front porch steps but stopped at the door.

Seung, Luca, and Nash remained by the station wagon talking.

“It’s rude to eavesdrop.” Craige propped his shoulder against the door frame.

“I’m not eavesdropping. I’m just…”

The air lit with static, and Nox stood over Seung.

“Oh, well, this is getting interesting.” Craige grinned.

“What happened to not eavesdropping?”

“I said it was rude. I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it.” Craige slid his gaze to Reese. “Of course, if you have something moreinterestingin mind.”

Heat filled Reese’s face.

Craige’s teeth sharpened. “You smell even better when you blush.” He took a step.

Nash yelled and Craige jerked his head up.

Reese fully expected someone on the ground and bleeding. Instead, Nox headed toward the woods.

“Huh…” Craige straightened up. “Looks like even Nash Kellicanbe pussy whipped.”

Reese glared. “Are you ever anything but an asshole?”


“Well, maybe you should consider some behavioral therapy.”

Luca jogged in the direction Nash fled.

“Correction,” Craige said. “Boy-pussy whipped.”

And what the hell did that mean?

A truck rumbled down the driveway.

Reese hurried down the steps and across the yard to where Seung stood. Luca shrank in the distance, his form flashing between the swaying high grass.

“What’s going on? Where’s Luca going?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Don’t worry? He can’t go out there alone. He could get lost, or hurt, or…”

“He’s not alone. He has Nash.”

Truck doors opened and closed. Voices exchanged words.

Johnathan got out with Dalton and Seung’s betas. They unloaded boxes from the back and carried them up the steps.

The wind tossed leaves and the scent of earth and spice.
