“You sure you—”

“Silence, Dale. That’s the agreement.”

And Dale didn’t say anything else the whole way.

* * *

Reese watched Luca lead Nash to one of the sofa seats near the front of the plane. There they sat, hip to hip, until Nash repositioned himself so Luca lay against his chest.

They really should have been wearing seatbelts.

Craige returned to his seat.

Seung stood. “I’m going to go check and see if there’s anything to eat. Do you want something?”

“Anything that’s meat,” Craige said.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Seung looked at Reese.

Craige glared at the back of Seung’s head.

“Uh… some water, maybe?”

“You need to eat, Dr. Dante.”

“Then, whatever. Crackers. Anything. I’m good.”

She nodded and left.

Craige leered at Reese.

“Um, do you mind, not…” Reese tugged at the collar of the sweatshirt he had on, letting in cool air against his burning skin.

Craige continued to leer only now there were fangs where ordinary eyeteeth had been. “What’s wrong, Dr. Dante? Getting all hot and bothered?”

“You’re fifty percent right.” It was out of Reese’s mouth before he could stop it.

“Then I guess I better work on getting a perfect score.” He leaned forward. The adequate space between the seats shrank to nothing. “You don’t have a clue, do you?”

The corridor Seung had gone down was empty.

All of Nash’s attention was on Luca.

A burning touch slid up Reese’s thigh and he startled.

Green flickered in Craige’s eyes. “We could always step into one of those little rooms and I could educate you.”

“I don’t think that would be…”

Craige slid his fingers higher, and Reese squeezed his legs together. “I’d rather you not…” And why did that feel like a lie? Reese’s heart skipped.

“Or maybe you’d prefer I teach you right here where everyone can see. Unlike the Varu, I have no qualms about fucking in public.”

Reese unsnapped his seatbelt and scurried out of reach. He fully expected Craige to follow, but instead, the man stretched out and opened his knees as far as the seat allowed. His cargos molded over the thick outline of his dick. “Just let me knowwhenyou change your mind.”

There would never be a when. Reese moved closer to Nash and Luca.

Craige licked his lips and Reese scooted down until his hip hit Nash’s bare foot where he’d propped it on the couch. “Sorry I—” Reese made some space. Not too much because even an inch closer to Craige was too close.