“Hang on.” She nodded at the man in the ball cap. “Is that your truck and boat?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Large or smallmouth bass?”

He stood straighter. “Largemouth.”

“Trophies?” There were only a couple of lakes known for record-sized bass.

He almost smiled. “Sure, I caught a twenty-five-pounder last year, but—”

“Dale Hollow Lake or Norris.”

“Dale Hollow, of course.”

“Of course. Best restaurant there?”

“Big Mack’s.”

To Gordon, Laura said. “If I meet you at Big Mack’s in Dale Hollow, it will cut three hours. Will that help?”

“Kid, I don’t care about the distance. I’m worried about what shape you’re in.”

“I’ve walked far enough that if it were serious, I would be dead.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen your idea of not serious. You bleeding?”

“Blisters on my heels, cut on my head, palms are messed up. Pretty sure my shoulder is dislocated.” She examined the ragged remnants of her nails. “And I’m going to need one hell of a manicure.” She stuffed a cookie in her mouth and chased it with water. “You well enough to drive?”

“What the hell are you trying to get at, that I’m too old to drive?”

“Not what I said.”

“Don’t play me. And yeah, I’ll be there.”

“Good. I’ll see you in a few hours.” She gave the receiver back to Missy.

Laura inclined her head toward the door. “C’mon. If I’m late, I’ll hear it the whole ride to the farm. And I’d rather sleep.”

The man in the hat tossed a look from Missy to Laura. “I don’t even know your name?”

“You don’t need to know my name. You just need to drive the truck.” She went outside and got in the truck.

The man in the hat exited the store with a twelve-pack of beer. He put the box in the bed of the truck and got in. “I’m Dale.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Uh, wouldn’t you rather Missy call an ambulance?”

“If I wanted an ambulance, I wouldn’t be in your truck.”

He started the engine. “I mean if you’re in trouble or something.”

“Dale, if you’ll drive this truck to Big Mack’s and not speak, you will never have to buy another fishing license or worry about registering your boat for the rest of your life.”

“You can do that?”

“You get me to Big Mack’s, and you’ll find out.” Laura laid her head against the door and closed her eyes. The truck rocked, then stopped.