“Look, just look.”

He did.

The black threads drank away the blood as they climbed from the hole in Nash’s chest and crawled over Luca’s fingers.

Seung let go of his wrist and moved up beside him. She petted his hair. “That’s it. He’ll be okay.”

Luca wiped the tears from his face with his free hand.

She shushed him and continued to rub his back.

A full-body shudder ran down Nash’s body. Ichor surged through his veins. His limbs thickened, his gums pinked, the white film over his eyes dissolved. His hair regrew, missing teeth filled in.

The hole in Nash’s sternum closed, and the wound knitted, leaving the filaments spinning from his flesh.

Life rushed in and Nash’s chest expanded with a massive inhale.

Within seconds, a body that belonged in a crypt transformed into a man in his prime.

Then the ichor retreated, leaving Nash with his eyes closed, his breathing steady and the gash in Luca’s hand healed.

“I love you. You hear me?” Luca leaned forward and kissed Nash’s forehead.

Craige jogged up. “You guys need to hit the fast forward on your Hallmark moment.”

“I told you to stay in the jeep,” Seung said.

“Yeah, well, I thought it was more important you know Johnathan called and said three trucks just burned by him followed by a gold wolf and a couple of blues.”

“Isaiah,” Luca said. “He’s looking for us.”

“C’mon.” Seung pulled Luca to his feet. To the Sarvari, she said, “Head back to the SUV and let Johnathan know where we are.”

They melted into the shadows.

“Craige, carry Nash to the jeep.”


“Did I stutter?”

Reese had to give the man credit; he didn’t argue.

Craige picked Nash up like he weighed nothing.

“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

Craige sneered at her. “He wakes up before I get there and rips my face off, I’m gonna be pissed.”

Seung waved Craige on. “If he does, I hope he rips off your head, so I won’t have to keep listening to you bitch like a prima donna with a hangnail.”

Reese followed everyone back to the jeep.

* * *

It was barely sunlight when Isaiah located the compact car Luca had driven at the river's edge. Gouges scarred the roof and holes pot marked the hood.

And the scent of fertile ground mixed with a spicy aftertaste, marked the area like cat piss.