“Sending out the Fenrir to see where we are in position to Isaiah’s set up. This park’s over ten thousand square acres. We know the RV campsites are near the center. But it’s an extensive area and the less noise we make, the better.”

Reese wrapped his arms around himself.

“Go get back in the jeep,” Johnathan said. “You’ll get hypothermia.”

“I’m fine.”

Seung growled.

Reese walked in front of her. The muscles around her jaw and neck jumped and her eyes moved back and forth under her lids, similar to REM sleep.

“What causes the myoclonic jerks?”

Seung bared her teeth, and Reese stepped back.

“The what?” Johnathan said.

Seung froze and flared her nostrils.

“The twitching.” Reese leaned in again.

“The connection to the Fenrir, I guess.”

“Connection? What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. It’s a Fenrir thing.”

She tilted her head and furrowed her brow. Smaller ticks rippled behind the more prominent one.

Reese held out a hand to Johnathan. “Can I borrow your flashlight?”

“I don’t have one.”

“What do you mean you don’t have one?”

The moonlight reflected in Johnathan’s eyes.

Night vision. The Anubis never needed a source of light. The Sarvari must have been the same or close to it. “Oh…”

“Why do you need a flashlight?” Seung opened her eyes.

Reese jerked back.

She grabbed his arm before he could fall.

“Thanks.” Reese regained his balance. “You startled me.”

“What were you doing?”

“Cyclonic tics,” Johnathan said.


“Myoclonic.” Reese rolled a hand. “Your face, muscle twitches, rapid eye moments—” He shook his head. “Never mind.”

To Seung, Johnathan said, “What did you find out?”

“There’s a back trail that’s about seven miles in. Entrance right down there. The SUV’s too big. The jeep can make it.”