Ferns parted by saplings clustered each side of the small path where they’d come. Luca could backtrack and find another way or cross the river.

Water reached the knuckle of the Fenrir’s pasterns as it waded to the other side where the silver waited. If the gold remained level with the ground, the river wasn’t deep.

But it took little current to overtake a vehicle.

Luca eased his foot off the brake and gave the car enough gas to move faster than an idle. Water sloshed against the tires, crawling higher as they approached the middle. Eddies and swirls danced at the bumper, created by the vehicle disrupting the flow.

The ground crunched under the vehicle. Water trickled in from the gap in the passenger door. But they still had traction, and as long as the tires had contact with the riverbed, they could make it.

“C’mon, just a little farther.”

The right front tire slipped, churning up foam.

“No, no, no…” Luca tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

The engine sputtered. “Almost, almost…”

“Please, please…”

The tire dropped.

“Goddamn it…” Luca gave the vehicle more gas.

The right rear tire slid, and the car shifted with the water flow.

“I’m sorry…” Luca glanced at Nox. Was he even awake? “Nox, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t….” Save them.

Weight collided with the car's roof with enough force to buckle it. The tires met the rocky riverbed.

Steam billowed from under the hood and deep ruts in the mud followed their progress as they crawled from the bank and back onto the trail.

The engine chugged, sputtered, and died.

Metal groaned. The car shifted. Gouges in the roof revealed the night sky broken by snow clouds. New dents made a path to the front of the car. A crack ran down the windshield.

Then a large black paw, with finger-like toes, landed on the hood. The Sarvari hardly extended its reach for it to take another step to the ground in front of them.

And the gold and silver wolves stood on either side of the creature, watching him.

It seemed the Fenrir had betrayed Luca after all.

* * *

It was dark when the plane landed on a small private tarmac in what seemed the middle of nowhere. No runway lights. No air control tower. Nothing but two hangers. One had the bay door rolled up.

Floodlights kicked on, breaking the darkness.

Johnathan led the way with his three betas and one delta.

“Where are we going?” Reese ran to keep up with Seung.

“Cascades National Park. It’s about twenty minutes from here.”

“Is that where Luca is?”

“According to my brother, yes.”

A man wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and with arms covered in tattoos, came out of the building and tossed a set of keys to Johnathan. “Gassed and ready to go.” He tracked Seung with his eyes, and a sly smile spread across his lips. “Long time no see, sweet cheeks.”