The other people in Isaiah’s camp had returned to their seats. Their conversation created a pleasant hum of background noise against the whisper of dead leaves still clinging to the branches overhead.

Luca took a bite of the beef and vegetable stew. The rich flavor of meat and spices coated his tongue. “This is really good.”

Isaiah beamed. “I’m glad you like it. Remy is a very talented cook.”

Luca took a bite of green beans. How long had it been since he’d eaten a home-cooked meal? Sure, he and Nox had stopped at dozens of cafés with great food, but there was something about a meal that had been prepared for family that made it taste special.

Luca ate several more bites.

Isaiah watched him with a smile.

Luca found a napkin and wiped his mouth. “Sorry, I’m eating too fast.”

“Eat all you want. Please.”

“I—” Luca washed down the bite of stew with a drink from the plastic cup. “I appreciate the food. It’s good.” Really good. “But Nox’s is right. We didn’t come here to eat.”

“You have questions.” Isaiah made it a statement.

“Yeah.” Luca took another drink and dried his mouth with the napkin. “How do you know our names?”

“And how did you find us?” Nox watched the four large men. Three had joined the other people in eating lunch.

But Tanner had nothing but murder in his eyes.

“Cassie,” Isaiah said. “She’s the best tracker our people have.”

“Andwhatare your people exactly?” Nox said.

A flicker of silver moved in Luca’s periphery, but when he turned, there were only Isaiah’s people gathered at the picnic tables, tablecloths and the scattering of windsocks hanging from the awnings.

Another flash of blue rippled behind the big man named Tanner.

Isaiah sucked in a breath. “I knew you were strong.”

It took Luca a moment to realize Isaiah spoke to him. “What are you talking about?”

“It normally takes a while to tune in, but you’re already seeing them.”


“Our wolves.”

* * *

Luca was everything a Cana should be, gentle, kind, radiating peace. His very presence a call to Isaiah’s other half and a beacon of hope for all of Isaiah’s people.

And he looked just like his brother.

If only Isaiah had been able to save him.

“What do you mean by wolves?” Luca was slow to bring his attention back.

“They’re called Fenrir and we’re Varu.”

Several silver and blue wolves lounged in the space between the RVs. Long graceful legs, powerful bodies, high ears, and prehensile toes, physical attributes they shared with a darkness that had changed Isaiah’s world.

A darkness that now sat beside the only known living Cana.