“Yeah, of course.” He took his hand from Seung’s and immediately missed the contact. The calm she radiated was a shell against the agitation eating at Reese’s thoughts.

He definitely needed a brain scan. Or, in the least, blood work.

“We call it priming. It’s linked to chemicals in someone’s scent.”

Reese furrowed his brow. “Pheromones. Like when ants, and moths, and other animals detect each other?”

“Exactly,” Seung said.

The urge to glance toward the back of the plane picked at Reese. He clenched his fists. “That’s not very likely. I mean, not impossible but… The studies involving the detection of androstadiene in men and progesterones in women are still up for argument. Mostly because the vomeronasal organ in humans is atrophied, making it nonfunctional in….”


Mah weren’t human, and neither was Reese.

Seung nodded like she’d heard the thought. “Priming means your body chemistry is synchronizing with theirs. It happens to all of us when we’re around each other enough. Some more than others.”

“Let me guess. I’m one of the more than others.” Bad luck was supposed to happen in threes, not... Reese didn’t even bother to count. “Why? I mean, why am I more susceptible?”

Seung shook her head. “Johnathan should be the one to tell you this.”


She drank some of her coffee and picked at the wrapper she’d stuffed into the cupholder with the bottle. “Remember the other day when you asked me what you were?”

“You never answered.” And Reese had been so enamored with the wolf he’d forgotten to ask again.

“You’re Varu, but not an ordinary rank. We’re pretty sure you’re what we call an Urja.”

Reese made a face. “And that is?”

“Someone very special.”

“Why do you think I’m an Urja?”

“Because of how your scent changes when you’re around the Mah. And how they respond when they’re around you. If my betas had their wolves, they’d respond as well.”

Reese touched the scar on his shoulder. “Did this happen because Paul bit me.?”

“No. You were born an Urja, like any beta, delta, or omega is born as what they are. The bite has nothing to do with it, but being an Urja is probably why Paul bit you.”

“I don’t understand.

Seung bit her bottom lip and rubbed her forehead.


“It’s Johnathan’s place to explain this, not mine.”

“You told me the… the…” Reese flicked a hand. “Urja whatever.”

“It was his job to tell you about that too.”

“Then why stop now?”

“Because it’s his duty to explain, and I’m sure he plans to. He just hasn’t found the time.”

An excuse if Reese ever heard one.