“My sister doesn’t know. I never told her.”

“Why?” Why did Isaiah want to cure Nash? What did he gain? Johnathan didn’t even know which question he wanted answered and there were many.

Was this a trick to get Nash to take the Rakta?

Was it because Isaiah believed the Anubis was a plague to be stopped?

Or was it to undo Grey Dekker’s work for Johnathan and his people to lay claim to their legacy?

“I don’t have that answer,” Caspin said.

He exhaled a frustrated breath. “Is there a way to counteract it?” They couldn’t risk losing Nash Kelli or Luca. It was obvious Dr. Dante cared about them, and that alone made them a priority in Johnathan’s eyes.

Another growl, low, lean, and in a short burst. A sound that mimicked a wolf guarding its kill. “A Cana can heal any Varu, and the last Cana who belonged to the Anubis even healed it.”

The Mah didn’t have a Cana to test that hypothesis if they were contaminated. “What about an Urja? Do you know if they can heal Mah contaminated with Rakta?”

Caspin made a thinking sound. “I wouldn’t be surprised. They were feared even more than the Cana. Most were gone by the time I took a wolf. There had to be a reason for that beyond their effect on betas.”

At least in the eyes of the Senate.

“How long does Nash have?”

“I don’t know. Sona said it took many doses. It could be days. It could be a week. It could be two.”

“Has Isaiah moved his caravan yet?”


“Is he preparing to?”

“Not that I have seen.”

“And the Senate?”

“They do not know unless Isaiah has told Laura, and she told them.”

“Let’s hope he hasn’t.”

The deep bellow of an organ played in the distance.

“I really wish you wouldn’t stay in that church. You’re going to get caught.”

“Trees don’t come with outlets. I can keep the phone dry by burying it in the bag you gave me, but I can’t use it with a dead battery.”

“And what if the priest sees you?”

Caspin would be difficult to miss, even if the priest’s eyesight were bad.

“In the winter, when prey was scarce, I’d go through the garbage for scraps.” More like when he’d been limited to a human form not equipped to run down game. “The priest started leaving me food. He didn’t call the police then. I doubt he will now. Considering he leaves the door unlocked to the basement so I don’t have to climb through the window.”

“What if he sees you Phase?” People knowing about Varu was always dangerous. Now that Caspin had his wolf back, the only time he seemed interested in maintaining a human form for any length of time was when he desired to mount.

According to the deltas and omegas that Johnathan brought to Caspin, he bathed them, gave them water, and fed them from his mouth when they were too weak to walk.

Yet none of them regretted their time with him. And every one of them requested to go back.

Caspin’s primal behavior seemed to call to their wolf.