“I’m serious.”

“I think it’s because you’ve never had the chance to look before.”

“I’ve looked, trust me, I’ve….” But not in this position. When Nox didn’t take Luca on his knees, almost folded in half and crushed under the man’s body. “Yeah, maybe…”

There was no maybe. And the ability to savor Nox left a seed of guilt rooting in Luca’s heart.

Because he’d always told Nox he accepted him the way he was. Luca hadn’t lied, but he hadn’t really understood what he’d been missing out on.

“Are you sure you—”

“Yes, now stop asking me that.” Luca rocked back, rubbing his ass crack up the length of Nox’s cock. “Now, are you going to help or…”

Nox held Luca still and reached behind him. “Just ease back, slowly.”

Luca did. The head of Nox’s cock bumped his hole.

“That’s it, just breathe.”

Luca exhaled as he let down more of his weight. The contact became pressure, the pressure a searing ache. He sucked in a breath, but there was no air left to breathe.

There was too much. Too much of Nox, yet Luca couldn’t stop. He needed Nox inside him.

Then he was there, filled, cradled against Nox’s pelvis. He spoke and petted Luca’s arms and shoulders, but the sensation of being stretched too much, penetrated too deep, scrambled the world to the point when light and sound exchanged places, leaving his vision blurred and Luca’s ears ringing.

He shivered.

“Hey,” Nox held Luca’s hips. “You still with me?”

Luca nodded.

“Just let yourself get used to it, okay?” But even as Nox said the words, the tendons tightened in his neck. His pulse thrummed and his breathing quickened.

But Luca didn’t want to see Nox hold back. He wanted to watch him unravel.

“Touch me.” Luca barely recognized his voice.

Nox ran his hands over Luca’s thighs, then back up to his ribs. When Nox reached Luca’s chest, Luca shifted his weight.

Nox clenched his eyes shut and dug his fingers into Luca’s pecs.

Luca rolled his midsection. Sweet pleasure shot up his spine, and Nox arched his head back. Either on purpose or reflexively, he pinched both of Luca’s nipples. A lighter echo of what it felt like to swivel his hips.

With each rock, the stuffed full feeling sharpened to an all-out ache, and once again, everything vanished behind a static burst.

An earthquake shook under Luca. He held Nox’s wrists and used them to steady himself as he rose to his knees. Friction against his prostate added another layer of ecstasy.

But it was Nox who drove Luca to move faster, raise higher, slam down all that much harder, to tense his ass, squeezing Nox’s cock to the point Luca could barely move, then starting all over again.

Luca wasn’t sure when Nox let him go, but it no longer mattered because he rode Nox, taking him to the tip then deep, each reentry an experience all its own. And Nox writhed under Luca, gripping the sheets, digging his heels into the mattress, panting, whimpering, exhaling grunts, sweat beading on his skin until it glistened.

And there was nothing more beautiful to Luca. Nothing more satisfying. Was this how Nox felt when he had Luca under him?

He didn’t think so. He didn’t think what Nox felt was anything this absolute.

Because this kind of domination could only belong to a Cana.
