“More money and death threats?”

“Like I said, powerful motivator.”

“I saw the list of names. There were a couple dozen people on it at the most.” Dr. Dante glanced in the direction of the doorway. “I haven’t done a headcount, but there are way more than thirty people here.”

“A scientist on New World’s research team who could read The Book of Anubis, had firsthand knowledge of the ichor and was gifted in molecular genetics, gave us inside information like where the doses were being shipped so we could intercept them.”

Dr. Dante sat back, then widened his eyes. “Dr. Markus.”

“Yeah. We made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

“That man didn’t give a damn about money,” Dr. Dante said.

“No, but he cared about his daughter.”

Dr. Dante pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders. “You threatened her?”

“She was dying of a rare blood disorder. Grey already had decades of research on the genetics involved with some of the top scientists from all over the world. He didn’t have to go through anyone to test his product. He offered Markus a treatment to put the disease into remission. He didn’t hesitate to take it.”

“But he blew up New World labs. Why would they even trust him?”

“New World was desperate. And they knew he was in dire need of funds to get his daughter treated. Like us, they knew money could keep Dr. Markus loyal. But we had the ace—actual treatment—and there was no amount of money that could beat it.” Not the most shining moment of Johnathan’s life, but they’d also been desperate.

Dr. Dante shook his head. “With his history, they would have watched him like a hawk.”

“They did. But by then, we had access to everything New World did.”

“And they didn’t suspect anything when his daughter got better?”

“No, because Markus didn’t hide it. In fact, we insisted he make a big deal about finding an overseas medical facility that had experimental treatments. My father owned the facility, just not on paper. Plus, having her out of the US made it more difficult for New World to keep tabs on her. And when they did, every i was dotted and t was crossed.”

“It was still a risk.”

It had been a huge risk, one Johnathan wasn’t sure he would’ve taken if he’d been in charge, but his father was good at manipulation and covering his tracks. “Which is why he wasn’t our first choice.”

“Then who was?”

Seung nodded at Dr. Dante. “You were.”

* * *

The look Seung, Johnathan, and Frost wore confirmed Reese heard correctly.


“Why?” It was the only thing Reese could think of to say. “I’m not covert material.” At some point, Reese would have done or said the wrong thing and been a nervous wreck trying not to. His work would have suffered, Echols would have noticed, then New World.

Johnathan said his father was smart, but Reese would have been the worst choice Grey Dekker could have made.

Seung’s smile was soft. “It was no secret you cared about Koda.”

Reese dropped his gaze.

“We suspected you were even in love with him.”

Heat filled his cheeks. But he couldn’t deny the accusation.

“It’s normal.”