“Bad breath isn’t my problem.”

“You want to keep yourself from mounting him, right?” Frost pushed the lid open with his thumb. Small white peppermint pieces sat cradled in a fold of tissue paper.

Jonathan furrowed his brow.

“Take one and hold it under your tongue.”

“That’s not going to—”

Frost pushed his thigh against Jonathan’s crotch, painfully crushing his swollen dick. The shock of contact shoved the breath from Jonathan’s lungs.

“Take one of the goddamned mints, J.”

Jonathan took one and popped it into his mouth.

“Don’t chew. You hear me?”

Jonathan obeyed. The burn of mint crawled through his mouth, down his throat, up his nose, erasing Dr. Dante’s scent.

Then the tension boiling in Jonathan’s chest eased. A wave of calm washed over him, dragging down his heart rate, erasing his aggression, deflating his cock, and snuffing out the raging need to mount Dr. Dante.

Before the VrK, Jonathan hadn’t felt so numb. “What the fuck is in this? And why do you have it?” Because it sure as hell wasn’t the average Altoid.

“I’ll tell you later.” Frost put the tin back in his pocket and let Jonathan go.

Any other time Jonathan would have argued, but pleasantly high, he didn’t see the need.

“Jonathan?” Seung dragged a look over him.

“Yeah.” He stepped away from the wall and Frost.

“You want to join us?”

Because they had a lot to discuss. Questions to ask Dr. Dante. Make requests he might not agree to, even under the threat of death.

Not by Jonathan’s hands, but by the Senate.

“You okay with me being closer to you?” Jonathan said.

Dr. Dante glanced over his shoulder. “Me?”

“You’re the only one in here whose heart is going like a rabbit’s.” And the reason pained Jonathan.

Dr. Dante blushed. “I’m good. I’m fine.”

Frost took up post next to the chair across from Dr. Dante, making it clear where Jonathan needed to park his ass.

He did.

“I, uh, could I bother you for….” Dr. Dante cleared his throat. “Water, please?”

“Danny,” Seung nodded at the strawberry-blond-headed guy sitting in the corner with a chessboard between him and a black man. “Please bring Dr. Dante a water, a beer for me….” She jerked her chin at Frost.

He said, “Same.”

Jonathan nodded.

To Dr. Dante, Seung said, “Did you want a beer too or just water?”